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我想过用一场颠沛流离的生活来遗忘所有。I wanted to use a displaced life to forget all.

所以选择用颠沛流离的生活来遗忘。So I chose to use the displaced living forgotten.

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他的童年颠沛流离,游及半个地球。His childhood back and forth, open and half the globe.

我的岁月有些乱,总之,就是颠沛流离,四处晃荡。Some years I chaos, in short, is displaced, around rock.

为了拒绝,甚至让自己逃跑,颠沛流离,狼狈不堪。For sole sake of rejection, I even run away and battered.

浛羭时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq.

此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离此。If you can get happiness in this lifetime safe, who may displaced here.

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我的家有3只狗,在之前过着颠沛流离的生活,然后它来到我家。I have 3dogs in my home, one lead a vagrant life before, and then it came to my home.

她不会象她曾祖父---也就是我父亲那样,在东欧大屠杀中颠沛流离。We will not have to escape the pogroms of Eastern Europe as her great-grandfather, my father, did.

他们心目中的英雄的童年是在密苏里与底特律城郊间颠沛流离的借宿生活中度过的。Their hero spent his childhood shuttling between relative's homes in Missouri and suburban Detroit.

砚却随意被摆在角落,任凭上水迢迢,颠沛流离,磨砺一颗坚如磐石的心。Yan has been placed at random in a corner, left to Sheung Shui, far away, displaced, and refined a rock-solid heart.

假如你们的舵或帆被损坏,你们就只能在海上颠沛流离,或滞留海上。If either your sails or our rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

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颠沛流离的月容也来到离别已久的长安,见到了她爱又“恨”的秦王李世民。Displaced month let also came to the departure already a long time of changan, met her love and "hate" qin2 wang2 li shi-mm.

十余年的颠沛流离,父子刚刚团聚,却又毅然决然踏上朝鲜战场。Over decade of vagrant life, he was on the point of reunion with father when he resolutely set foot on the Korean battlefield.

为此歌德学院成立这个图书项目,将这批随着主人颠沛流离,“云游四海”的珍贵书籍回赠德国,作为德国学生学习那段历史的教学素材。Now the Goethe Institute has started a project that sends the well-traveled books back to Germany as teaching materials for students.

那些在中共牢狱中挣扎、那些在中共酷刑下呼号、那些因中共迫害而颠沛流离的人们需要你们的帮助。Those struggling in the CCP prisons, those crying under the CCP's tortures , those roaming around to avoid mistreatment need your help.

乙.当你看到家园被毁,亲人颠沛流离,请放下你的武器,把它抛向天空。When you see your home is destroyed and your relatives have been made homeless, please drop down your weapon and throw it into the sky.

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也许当时心还落在了俄罗斯,也许是离开钟爱的新闻业工作让我感到难过,也许这只是颠沛流离居无定所所引发的正常反应。Maybe it was Russia's pull, or maybe I felt bad about leaving the paper, or maybe it was just a normal symptom of expatriate dislocation.

也许当时心还落在了俄罗斯,也许是离开钟爱的新闻业工作让我感到难过,也许这只是颠沛流离居无定所所引发的正常反应。Maybe it was Russia’s pull, or maybe I felt bad about leaving the paper, or maybe it was just a normal symptom of expatriate dislocation.

联合国难民署表示数百万难民和国内颠沛流离的人将特别艰难应对激增的食品价格。The UN refugee agency says million of refugees and internally displaces people will be particularly hard hit by skyrocketing food prices.