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钱可以让陌生人同床共枕。Money makes for strange bedfellows.

我怀念和妻子同床共枕的感觉。I also missed sleeping with my wife.

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财富和满足并非总是同床共枕。Wealth and Content are not always Bed-fellows.

我们相信跟我们同床共枕的女人的诺言。We believe the promises of the woman who shares our bed.

王生满口答应,就和她同床共枕。Wang gave her a promise and then slept together with her.

大多数情况下,与做梦者同床共枕的人会受伤。In many cases, a person sharing the dreamer’s bed can be injured.

的确,与打鼾者同床共枕可以夺去你的健康。It's true that sleeping with a snorer can take a toll on your health.

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他仍同女人们同床共枕并且想过一种自己认为的正常的生活。He still sleeps with women and wants to live what he deems a normal life.

在宾馆里,我和奖杯同床共枕,因为我不想让它离开我的视线。I slept with the cup in my hotel room. I did not want it out of my sight.

你是否因为你脚的抽搐导致同床共枕之人无法安眠?Do you keep your bed partner awake with the jerking movements of your legs?

你能相信这个国家吗?这可类似于跟最毒的蛇同床共枕呢?Can you believe this nation ? It is like sleeping with most poisonous snake.

两人又貌合神离地默默同睡了,但同以前同床共枕的情形截然不同。They slept together once more, quietly, and distinct, not one together as before.

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或许你和一个在双腿间有个细腻剪过洞的泰迪熊同床共枕过。Perhaps you sleep with a teddy bear with a hole delicately snipped between its legs.

在他用整个下午想念丽莎之后,他没法再和明美同床共枕。He didn't feel capable of sleeping with Minmei, not after he had thought of Lisa all afternoon.

是“热情洋溢”的韦利,“循规蹈矩”的塞登斯蒂克还是“温文尔雅”的泰勒---今晚,你会选择谁与你一道“同床共枕”?Effervescent Waley, prim Seidensticker or suave Tyler—who will you take to bed with you tonight?

不过晕菜的是就算不喜欢还是得与她同床共枕,想想就郁闷。Yuncai But is not like it or even if she was with Strange Bedfellow Gongchen, think the depressed.

儿时同床共枕,患难与共的人就这样与我有了明显的界线。Childhood bed with therapeutic writing, sharing weal and woe with the people so I have a clear line.

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对于并非同床共枕的人们,明天就向非性爱关系的朋友表达你的爱意吧!Non-bed-sharers make tomorrow your day to tell someone you don't love in that way that you love them.

这个打呼噜的人,已经跟我同床共枕了十年余,只是怎么也习惯不了。呼噜大的时候,我必须得跟他“分。The people who snore, have ever sleep with me for ten years, but couldn't get used. A big time, I have to tell him.

但是假如长期与精神疾病患者同床共枕或是伴侣多多少少有这方面问题,这会对性关系有何影响呢?But what about how living with a mental illness or having a partner with one or more can affect sexual relationships?