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在五台山是首屈一指的。In the Mount are second to none.

成果在全行首屈一指。In the forefront of all results.

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陈博士是生态学上首屈一指的科学家。Dr. Chen is a leading scientist in ecology.

波士顿的教育事业在美国首屈一指。Bostonian education cause is matchless in USA.

首屈一指的答案总是我的电子通讯。The number 1 answer is always my e-Newsletter.

他宣称纽约真是个首屈一指的城市。He announced that New York was strictly Endsville.

这家公司的电器产品在全世界首屈一指。The company is a world leader in electrical goods.

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当然了,他们的音乐选曲是全国首屈一指的。Yes, of course. Their music is the best in this country.

反馈在敏捷开发中的重要性是首屈一指的。The importance of feedback in Agile development is paramount.

亚洲之星被誉为香港首屈一指的六星级的海上酒店。Asia Star is Hong Kong's first six-star "cruise hotel at sea".

三越伊势丹集团是日本首屈一指的零售业集团。It is a leading corporate group in Japan's retailing industry.

西蒙物理考得很好,全级首屈一指。Simon did well in physics, reaching the top place in our grade.

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森科尔能源公司是加拿大首屈一指的综合性能源公司。Suncor Energy Inc. is Canada's premier integrated energy company.

脚手架的成型机肯特郡的服务都是首屈一指的。The services of the Scaffolding Erectors Kent are second to none.

他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家。He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19th century mold.

高大,工程之宏伟,在菏泽地区首屈一指。Tall, project of the grand, in the Heze area come first on the list.

我要感谢政治史上首屈一指的竞选班子。To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics.

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我军的勇气和敬业精神是世界上首屈一指的。The courage and professionalism of our armed forces are second to none.

那时,我所知道的吕老师是国内首屈一指的照片装框专家。At the time, I only knew that he was the top photo framer in our country.

佳偶网络公司是韩国首屈一指的婚介机构。Kim by, one of the leading matchmaking agencies in South Korea.