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遥想那初春新叶。I thought of the new Spring leaves.

遥想当年,他是如此一个守口如瓶的人啊!Harking back, he was such a good guy who kept something dark!

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绿竹婆演奏起“”曲谱,令狐冲听得如痴如醉,遥想往事。Green bamboo woman play opern, horse, yao can make fox blunt past.

但是,遥想到当年他和手下圈子里的那些咄咄怪事,此刻的我们仍不免愕然。But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were.

洁白如银的雪雕艺术给人以神秘、梦幻般的遥想与感受。Silver white snow sculptures can give you wonderful and dream-like imagination and feeling.

遥想1933年六月,富兰克林.罗斯福曾率领美国代表团出席于伦敦召开的世界经济峰会。It was June, 1933, and Franklin Roosevelt led the U.S. delegation at a world economic summit held in London.

在钢筋水泥的丛林中,遥想古代大师无我的风景,体会一种真实的梦境。In the forest of skyscrapers, we could reach a real fantasyland when recalling ancient masters' idea of "Anatman".

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我走进女王厅,遥想当年温斯顿·丘吉尔在二战艰难的日子里曾在这里住了三个星期。I went into the Queens Room and thought of Winston Churchill spending three weeks there in the difficult days of World War II.

但是,遥想到当年他和手下圈子里的那些咄咄怪事,此刻的我们仍不免愕然。But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were. He wore a necktie when he was in his dressing gown.

如此孤注一掷的举动,遥想印度游牧部落几百年,甚至几千年的漂泊不定,不由唏嘘不已。Such desperate behavior hints at a larger story about the nomads who have roamed the subcontinent for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years.

随着百年纪念的临近,许多中国人不禁遥想,假若那处于萌芽期的民主能被允许成长,那么时至今日,中国又是一副怎样的景象呢?As the centennial approached, many Chinese people wondered out loud how things might be today if that infant democracy had been allowed to grow up.

这是一款有知名度较高的棋类游戏,遥想儿时小伙伴们一起抛骰子玩飞行棋的的情景还记得吗?This is a well-known chess games higher, Thinking back childhood partners with small parabolic flight playing dice game of the scenarios also remember?

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席勒通过对古代希腊的遥想,将我们置于完美的乌托邦世界里,现代人特有的理性精神,又召引着我们对未来生活的审视。By looking back the ancient Greek, Schiler brings us into a perfect aesthetic utopia. And modern people's rational spirits can guide us to think over future life.

遥想我五岁时,兄长被以色列士兵枪击毙命,自那之后我便致力于中东阿拉伯国家之联合,同时与西方保持贸易往来。When I was five, my brother was shot by an Israeli soldier – since then, I have been dedicated to uniting the Arab countries throughout the Middle East and retain a trade flow with the west.

遥想黄河水院八十多年的办学历史,坎坷与硕果同行,沧桑与凯歌同奏。Looking back to more than eighty years' operating history of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, frustrations and fruits are woven together, and triumphal songs are played with vicissitudes.

遥想一生,父亲让儿子明白自己对他的看法究竟有多重要呢?然而当我站在丹的面前,我明白这的确是有意义的。Seen in the perspective of an entire life, how important is it that a father tells his son what he thinks of him deep inside?But when I stood in front of Dan, I knew that it really did mean something.