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这里又有一座高低不平的城堡建在悬崖绝壁之上。Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.

那修院对冉阿让来说,好象是个四面全是悬崖绝壁的孤岛。This convent was for Jean Valjean like an island surrounded by gulfs.

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即使生长在悬崖绝壁,树的脚下,也一定有一抔无私奉献的泥土。Although we live in the cliff, there must be some earth under us that is unselfish.

季连长带着四名战士携手跳下悬崖绝壁。The season with four soldiers jumped out of sheer precipice and overhanging rocks together.

三峡从这里到宜昌南津关,两岸悬崖绝壁,滩峡格间,水流湍急。From here to Yichang Three Gorges Nanjinguan, the two sides Cliff, Beach Gap grid, water fast.

通常巨额财富会伴随着许多幻想,比如奢华豪车,比如悬崖绝壁边上的古典城堡。Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions of fancy cars and palatial homes on remote bluffs.

很多景点旁边就是悬崖绝壁,拍照留念时一定要回过头看看有无后退的余地,以免摔伤。Many tourist attractions is right beside escarpment, took pictures when must return overdo see whether retreat of leeway, lest hurt.

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“先生,”马吕斯说,他那眼神活象一个感到自己即将掉下悬崖绝壁的人,“我来请求您允许我结婚。”"Sir, " said Marius, with the look of a man who feels that he is falling over a precipice, "I have come to ask your permission to marry.

两人搏斗,屠龙逃上了悬崖绝壁,这是一条死路,从来没人上去,所以李参谋事先没有严密封锁。Two people fled the dragon fight, this is a sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, dead, never go up, so Li staff without tight blockade.

古代的姆斯唐洞窟开凿在卡里甘达基河流域的悬崖绝壁上,其中包含如上述在2008年看到的佛教壁画。Carved into sheer cliffs over the Kali Gandaki River watershed, the remote Mustang caves contain Buddhist wall paintings, such as those seen above in 2008.

我曾见过华山刀劈斧削般的悬崖绝壁上,那些郁郁青青的松柏,抓着一撮泥土,就这么悬挂着,仿佛一个受惊吓的孩子,牢牢抓住母亲的衣襟。I have seen like huashanica on the brink of a precipice, who dies of pine and cypress green, clinging to a group of mud, so hanging on like a frightened child, we should firmly grasp mother.