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我决不容许任何干涉行径。I will brook no interference.

于是另一位神着手干涉此事。So another god, Shiva, intervened.

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你不可以干涉我审案。You must not interfere in my cases.

或者,他信任上帝的干涉吗?Or does he trust in God to intervene?

这里是相消干涉。We have destructive interference here.

我们不容许任何外来干涉。We will brook no outside interference.

我不相信一个干涉主义的上帝。Don't believe in an interventionist God.

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对干涉图像进行预处理。Provided pretreatment to interferograms.

但残酷的现实总是会干涉其中。But the severe reality interferes anyway.

他还有点迷惑是谁干涉了。He was still puzzled by who’d interfered.

我找一个中间人来干涉。Let me find an intermediary to intervene.

立体,干涉和衍射。Stereoscopy, interference and diffraction.

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他们不干涉你信仰什么神。They didn't care what gods you worshipped.

本文研究了自混合干涉。Firstly, we study self-mixing interference.

军事干涉极不相宜。Military intervention is highly undesirable.

请不要干涉我的私事。Please do not interfere in my private affairs.

政治威胁要干涉这项研究。Politics threatens to creep into the research.

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你无权干涉别人的事情。You have no right to tamper with others' affairs.

跟她毫无关系,因此她不得干涉。It was none of her concern, so she didn't butt in.

给出了平头铣刀的无干涉路径规划。The interference-free tool path planning is given.