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这是最后的一次炮击。It was the last of the cannonade.

遭受炮击时我们走散了,什么时候我才能再见到他们啊?During the shelling we got separated.

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但政府否认炮击这一地区。The government has denied shelling the area.

几个星期过去了,北方军向城里炮击,南方军也随之还击。Weeks passed. The Union army shelled the city.

一天,路接到任务去炮击一艘油船。One day, Lou received an order to bombard a tanker.

在韩国遭到炮击后,它也拒绝谴责朝鲜。After the shelling, it refused to condemn the North.

来自卡扎菲政权的疯狂炮击,真是残暴凶狠。It is brutal, murderous shelling of the Gaddafi regime.

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朴明财住在延坪岛附近一个小岛,这次也遭受了炮击。Park is from a smaller nearby island that was also shelled.

观测炮击的炮弹将不会再在地面下爆炸。Overwatch projectile shouldn't explode below ground any more.

他还表示他们遭到坦克和海军炮舰的炮击。He also said they had been shelled by tanks and navy gunboats.

他们说炮击炸毁了政府大楼和住宅。They said the shelling damaged government buildings and homes.

朝鲜半岛局势近期因韩朝炮击事件呈现紧张。Recently the Korean Peninsula due to strained inter-Korean shelling.

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一个好的,勤奋炮击事件和国际电源适配器,均包括在内。A nice, hard-shelled case and international power adapters are included.

并且在炮击延坪岛事件上,中国对北朝还表现出在某种程度上的支持。And in response to the shelling China has, in a sense, backed North Korea.

奥坎波表示,其他人则是在参加葬礼的过程中被炮击。Mr Ocampo said others were victims of the shelling of funeral processions.

朝鲜首先要对天安舰沉没和延坪岛炮击事件负责。North Korea must first day the ship sank and taeyonpyong shelling incident.

两国的人民白天黑夜都能听到间歇的炮击声。The people in these two countries heard intermittent gunshot day and night.

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在城内的敌人被投石器炮击时,会做出反应。Enemy AI reacts to being bombarded with Trebuchets while inside a settlement.

共有46名韩国人死于“天安号”沉没4人死于延平岛的炮击。A total of 46 South Koreans died in the ship sinking and four in the shelling.

到了早上5点,太阳升起时,科涅夫下令做好炮击的准备。At 0500 the sun was beginning to rise, and Konev ordered another artillery barrage.