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到了90年代,狄金森研究才蓬蓬勃勃地开展起来。In 90s, the study about her began to develop vigorously.

无论是的炎热哒夏天,或者是严寒哒冬天,它总是的那么哒蓬蓬勃勃。Whether hot summer or cold winter, it is always less of thriving.

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爱情是年轻人的专利,只有在年轻人的身上才能看到蓬蓬勃勃、如野火般燃烧的爱情。Love is young blood's patent. Only on the young people can you find the vigorous love like a burning fire.

树叶舒展开来,黄雀翩翩飞来觅食,黄水仙也蓬蓬勃勃竞相生长。Leaves had unfurled, goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.

短篱的东边,菊花开得蓬蓬勃勃,活像一张张天真的小脸,舒展着稚气的笑容。Short of the east fence, chrysanthemum opened, like an innocent little face Zhang, stretch a childish smile.

虽然X10装置仍然存在,但其他技术也在蓬蓬勃勃地发展,并和X10技术一起争夺你口袋里的钱。While X10 devices are still around, other technologies have emerged to compete for your home networking dollar.

它已经成为东西南北交通的要冲,那个小小的村子已经蓬蓬勃勃地发展起来。It had become the crossroads of travel north and south and east and west, and the little village leaped to life.

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当爱与信念,在一个人的心里蓬蓬勃勃地生长了几十年后,还有什么苦是不可以忍受的呢?Is there any hardship in the world for someone unable to suffer, since the love and belief have been growing in his heart for several decades?

但它恰恰能够在这样的环境中蓬蓬勃勃地开展起来,个中原因,应该从国民党自身的权力合法性方面去寻找。However, it can develop vigorously in such an environment. Maybe the reason should be seeking from the validity of the legal power of the Chinese Nationalist Party.

其实最初在做网站开发时,这个功能并不被特别看重,后来却发扬光大,发展得蓬蓬勃勃。When doing a website to develop at first actually, this function is not valued particularly, carry forward however later, develop bitter fleabane bitter fleabane is exuberantly.