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穷到历尽煎熬。Poor to have gone through suffering.

他的祖父曾经历尽艰难。His grandfather once went through hardships.

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他已经历尽人间沧桑。He's run the whole gamut of human experience.

她历尽艰难终于找到了一份工作。After great difficulty, she finally found a job.

约翰•威斯特历尽艰难险阻为您带来最佳的镜头。John West endures the worst to bring you the best.

历尽艰难摸索岁月。假如我能预料到结果。Hardships grope for years. If I can anticipate results.

克莱在巴西贫病交加,也历尽磨难。Klein in Brazil sick Cross also experienced the ordeal.

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克莱在巴西贫病交加,也历尽磨练。Sick in Brazil Clay Cross, has gone through many hardships.

然而王子历尽千辛万苦,最终找到了这个地方。Still, the Prince eventually stumbled upon that remote corner.

历尽千难万苦,小女孩的心脏终于自己跳动起来了。Against all odds, the little girl's heart was beating on its own.

历尽生死磨难,马翠芬终于执掌唐家。Gone through life and death, suffering, Ma Cuifen finally helm Tang.

革命军占领该城市时历尽了艰辛。The revolutionary army had a hard time of it when they captured the city.

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爱尔兰历尽千心万苦,终于成为欧洲最大的铅和锌的生产国。Ireland is now the largest producer of lead and zinc concentrates in Europe.

尽管海外营私舞弊法案于1977年通过,但是直到最近其实施道路可谓历尽坎坷。Although the FCPA was enacted in 1977, enforcement was patchy until recently.

我历尽艰苦终于找到自我,我却痛苦逃避真实的我。I finally find ourselves through hardships, but I pain to escape the real me.

虽然历尽艰难,杰克仍在大学里坚持下来,因为他想受教育。Jack stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education.

地质勘探队员们历尽千辛万苦,找到了不少新矿藏。After innumerable hardships, the prospecting team discovered a lot of new ores.

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虽然分隔两地、历尽磨难,但两人始终真情不渝。Despite their separations and tribulations , Abelard and Heloise remained in love.

你我为了幻想而历尽了艰难,才走向了成功之路。You I for the sake of ideal and through all difficult, just to the road to success.

与其展现出来弱不禁风,不如让自然好好的锻炼它历尽风雨的本领。Rather than show weak, let nature good exercise its power through the wind and rain.