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您要用隔夜送达的限时专递寄吗?Does it need to be overnighted?

一般价还是隔夜拍发价,先生?Ordinary or overnight rate, Sir?

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一杯冰凉的隔夜旧茶。A cup icy cold is overnight old the tea.

曾经的爱情,如隔夜旧茶。Once love, like was overnight old the tea.

洗葡萄隔夜后不招小飞虫。Wash grapes overnight after don't hire small fly.

然而市场对它们的定价仍犹如隔夜之鱼。Yet the market is pricing them like yesterday's fish.

涂装一层厚的污渍封闭底漆,并使它隔夜晾干。A thick coating stain sealer, and make it dry overnight.

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外汇市场隔夜的波动暗示着风险厌恶情绪。Overnight FX moves were indicative of risk-off sentiment.

隔夜栅格同时给出了一个在早晨缺口处交易的方法。The overnight grid also offers a way to trade morning gaps.

还可以把泡完茶的隔夜的茶叶包浮在下面。It can also be Paowan tea bag tea, overnight floating below.

特纳太湖隔夜片,全面覆盖,30数封装。Tena Serenity Overnight Pads, Full Coverage, 30-Count Package.

在除夕隔夜的早晨,我们都觉得昏头昏脑的很不舒服。We all felt under the weather the morning after New Year's Eve.

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盖上保鲜膜冷藏隔夜或至少3小时。Cover with a plastic wrap and chill overnight or at least 3 hours.

此糊状物也可以隔夜放置,用于处理瑕斑。The paste can also be left on overnight for spot treatment of blemishes.

它的工作多达16个内部电池和充电隔夜小时。It operates up to 16 hours from internal batteries and recharges overnight.

将慕斯分到6个甜品碗里,入冰箱3-4小时或是隔夜冷藏。Spoon mousse mixture into 6 dessert dishes and chill 3-4 hours or overnight.

隔夜美债走势波动,30年期美国国债收益率上升8个基点。In volatile overnight trading, the yield on 30-year bonds rose 8 basis points.

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因此,建议胶壳喷完后不要停置太久,更不能放隔夜后才喷洒树脂。We highly recommend that gel coat not sit overnight or longer before lamination.

你可以隔夜下厨,然后把菜冷冻起来以便后来要用。You can either cook every other night or cook one and freeze one for future use.

从隔夜拆借利率到三月远期利率这段区间内,利率期限结构没有上扬So, you can see the term structure doesn't go up between overnight and three months.