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如光斑一样漂浮舞动。The flecks did float and dance.

舞蹈是足尖舞动的美丽诗篇。Dancing is the poetry of the foot.

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舞动倒映水中彩霞。Choi Ha dance reflecting the water.

“舞动的北京”是一方中国之印。"Dancing Beijing" is a Chinese Seal.

他很高,腿很长,简直就像一只舞动着长腿正在叫车的大蜘蛛!He was quite tall, and had long legs.

“舞动的北京”是一方中国之印。"Waves Beijing" is India of the side China.

我见过了在风中舞动的柳叶。I've seen a friend killed by his best friend.

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然而那蛇却还是缓慢的“舞动”着。The snake, however, continued to 'dance' slowly.

它轻盈飘逸,姿态婆娑,随风舞动,勾人心弦。It is elegant, dancing, wind, people dance chord.

一张张白帆随着微风舞动。The white sails billow with the breezes they catch.

名声只是站在灯下奋力舞动的影子。Fame is the shadow of passion standing in the light.

他们如同爱情的呓语般舞动着。They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love.

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“飞”和“舞”是“飞起来”和“舞动”的意思。"Fei" and "Wu" mean flying and dancing respectively.

哦,你和我缓慢的舞动着,我们走投无路。Oh, you and I dancing slow, and we got nowhere to go.

当你今天夜里欢送她的时候,舞动。Dance when you go to give her the send-off this night.

加拉隆的手指仿佛在编织一篮子线团般舞动。Galaeron's fingers weaved a basket of lines before him.

看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。Look at the Red, you Jingsi Music, dancing cool breeze.

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舞动吧,欢跃吧,尽情享受我们人生的颠峰时刻。We can dance, we can jive, having the time of our life.

二是舞动的飘带,意味着辉煌历程。Second is dancing streamers, which means glorious career.

风暴是由表演者舞动着伞了。Storms are realized by performers dancing with umbrellas.