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水坝已大功告成。The dam is accomplished.

大功告成,有劳大家,我们来高兴一下!Cheers to everybody for a job well done!

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只是一铲土,大功告成!Only a shovel of dirt and the job is done!

她为自己大功告成而狂喜。She exulted to find that she had succeeded.

你不能奢求事情一下大功告成。You can’t expect things to happen immediately.

当雾开云散,冰淇淋就大功告成了。When the cloud evaporates, the ice cream is ready.

简单的画一条线,添加一些文本,大功告成。Simply drag a line, write some text and you’re done.

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在摄氏232度的烤箱内只需5分钟便可大功告成了。The cooking time is only 5 minutes in a 232-degree oven.

弹出一个其中有静态帮助文本的窗口,然后您就大功告成了。Pop open a window with static help text in it and you're done.

只要加入冰激凌,你最喜欢的冰激凌圣代就大功告成了。Just add ice cream and your favorite ice-cream sundae toppings.

喔!我知道我需要什么了,番红花有了番红花我就大功告成。I know what this needs! Saffron! A little saffron would make this!

拔掉他的线的时候告诉他,他将会成为一个真正的男孩,就大功告成了。Tell him that by ripping out his wires he'll become one, job done.

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最后当肉质多汁、表皮既薄又酥脆的时候才算是大功告成。The result is a thin layer of crispy skin on juicy, succulent meat.

现在只要移除罐子,将培土填入你的报纸种苗盆就大功告成了。Now just remove the jar and fill your newspaper seeding pot with soil.

拉米说,多哈回合谈判有希望在2010年某个时候大功告成。Lamy said he is hopeful the round could be concluded some time in 2010.

把罗勒和乳酪,小西红柿混合在一起,就大功告成了。Combine basil with feta and tomato and you've got a winning combination.

左冷禅表面没什么心里却对蓝凤凰恨极,发誓等大功告成立刻杀了她。Left nothing but cold chan surface of blue phoenix hate pole, swear, etc.

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它的内存和双256KB的软盘驱动器,我想我已经大功告成了。It had 256KB of RAM and dual floppy drives and I thought I had it made now.

把它系在鞋带或细线上,钓鱼线就大功告成了。Attach it to a shoelace or a string, and you've got yourself a fishing line.

如果他能接近餐馆的一个桌子而不被怀疑,他就会大功告成。If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected success would be his.