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已经给这位哨兵布置哨位了吗?。Has the guard been posted?

他记起了哨兵同盟。He remembered the Sentinels.

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哨兵很不情愿地让他通过了。Reluctantly, the guard let him go.

哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站住”。The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

哨兵看到我们时高呼“站住!”The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us.

他不理睬哨兵喝令止步的盘问。He ignored the sentry's challenge to halt.

那个哨兵整夜都没有离开他的哨位。The guard did not quit his post all night long.

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它是最完美的士兵,它是永久的‘哨兵’。It is the perfect soldier, the eternal ‘sentry.’

哨兵守卫大门以防突然袭击。The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.

哨兵拔剑向他直扑过去。The sentry made straight for him with a drawn sword.

两名哨兵抽出刺刀径直朝他冲去。Two sentries made straight for him with drawn swords.

但哨兵不允许,还拿尖利的矛头刺伤了他。But they would not, and pricked him with their spears.

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威尔颤抖着抱紧树干,面颊贴住哨兵树的树皮。His face pressed hard against the trunk of the sentinel.

特别感谢阳光哨兵写此文章.Thanks to the Sun Sentinel for writing about this issue.

哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门。The guard won't let anyone through the gate without a pass.

因为知道危险势将发生,这哨兵加意戒备。Knowing that danger threatened, the sentry was on the alert.

鸟类就像长翅膀的哨兵,预示了我们所居星球的未来。Birds are like winged sentinels, signaling our planet’s future.

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一个哨兵把他的步枪拍的一声转到左手。A sentinel struck the rings of his carbine against his left hand.

琳达还固定在适当的位置,追踪着掩护的哨兵。Linda was still locked in place, tracking the overwatch Sentinel.

就像哨兵要时刻监守自己的岗位,画家要专心做画一样。Like a sentinel on guard duty, or an artist working with his paints.