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这是突变。There is mutation.

有发现突变纯合子。No mutant homozygote was found.

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MAPT基因未发现致病突变。MAPT gene mutation was not found.

未检测到M4突变等位基因。The M4 alleles were not detected.

三个儿童的AKT2基因中均含有突变。All had a mutation in the AKT2 gene.

这样的突变时刻都在发生。Those mutations happen all the time.

可引起可遗传的基因突变。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

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他们计划找出更多突变。They plan to search for more mutations.

然而,大多数突变是有害的。However, most mutations are deleterious.

墨绿突变为团团殷红。Dark green suddenly turned into deep red.

于是我们开始做转座子的突变发生。So we started doing transposon mutagenesis.

突变体脱氧核糖核酸误编了一个氨基酸密码。The mutant DNA miscoded a single amino acid.

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突变体脱氧核糖核酸误编了一个氨基酸密码。The mutant DNA miscoded a single amino acid.

而在蒙古羊群体中未检测到该突变。No B allele was detected in the Mongolia sheep.

用NG诱变枯草杆菌168所得的一个突变型。A mutant of B. subtilis 168 mutagenized with NG.

事件突变更是作者的又一大负担。Changing events are an added burden for authors.

突变的原因并不复杂,仅仅因为写作水平的差异。The difference is not complicated. It's writing.

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当他长到13岁时他的嗓音开始发生青春期粗浑突变。When he turned thirteen his voice began to break.

如果病毒突变,疫苗会失效吗?Will the vaccine be useless if the virus mutates?

序列测定证实目标突变存在。The target mutations were identified by sequencing.