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这是最伟大和最首要的戒条。This is the great and first commandment.

他们很少触及政府的戒条。They rarely push the government's limits.

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戒条?我可不喜欢了,所以十条就够了。——上帝。I hate rules, That's why I only made ten of them. ---God.

这两条戒条依赖于圣戒和先知”,这使得道德获得了必要的赞美。On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

遵守上帝的戒条,是这段历史的目的。Observance of God's commandments is, as Levenson puts it, the teleological end of history.

佛陀制定了戒条作为我们道德行为的指导方针。As guidelines for virtue and ethical behavior, the Buddha formulated precepts for us to follow.

一些宗教如印度教遵守素食主义,把素食作为不杀生的戒条。Some religions such as Hinduism observe vegetarianism as part of an effort of nonviolence towards animals.

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我爱听其他人有关决心、个人戒条,大人的心事及相关事情的想法。I love hearing other people's ideas for resolutions, Personal Commandments, Secrets of Adulthood, and the like.

我们可以生活在主的王国,并通过实践爱,原谅,和平的戒条来找到意义。We can live in God's realm and find meaning through living out the commandments of love, forgiveness and peace.

诸位要知道,佛是生在二千五百年以前的古印度,他所制定戒律,许多的戒条在今天并不适用。Many of the precepts taught by Buddha Shakyamuni were appropriate for that time but are no longer suitable today.

如果说“八戒”寓意生活中的“八项戒条”,对于生活你是一种怎样的态度?If we say that the "Pig King" implies the "Eight Commandments" of life, then what's y?And what's your attitude towards life?

在此基础上,耶稣对他的第二大戒条,即人们要爱人如己的观点做出了说明。It is upon this basis that Jesus makes His statement about the second greatest commandment which is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

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然后宣布为了遵守国王的承诺,前一千名违反五学处中任何一个戒条的人都会被献祭。Then proclaim that the first one-thousand who break any of the training steps will have the honour of being sacrificed, to keep the king's promise.

如果你要创造新的吸血鬼,你必须得到尊长的同意。如果你违反此戒条,你和你的后裔都会被处死。Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.