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阑尾破裂。A ruptured appendix.

冬天焊接处由于“冷缩”破裂。It shrinks in winter.

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这对夫妇关系已经破裂。The couple have split.

血管破裂。A blood vessel ruptured.

他的婚姻破裂了。His marriage is washed-up.

泪膜破裂时间。Rupture time of tear film.

不久他们听到一声很大的破裂声。Soon they heard a loud crack.

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玻璃玻璃啪啦破裂。The glass broke with a crack.

他们的婚姻关系破裂了。Their marriage has broken up.

但在1990年,经济泡沫破裂了。But in 1990, the bubble burst.

医生使一条血管破裂了。The doctor burst a blood vessel.

为什么泡沫破裂让我们如此痛苦不堪?Why was its bursting so painful?

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我十一年的婚姻破裂了。My eleven-year marriage was over.

会不会是皮样囊肿破裂?。What about ruptured dermoid cyst?

那个木桶开始破裂泄漏了。The barrel began to spring a leak.

他们的婚姻关系上月破裂了。Their marriage broke up last month.

水从破裂的水管中喷出。Water spurted from the broken pipe.

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房间华丽但家庭破裂的时代。Of fancier houses, but broken homes.

她鼻子的两根血管破裂。Two blood vessels broke in her nose.

管子破裂,水喷了出来。The pipe burst and water spouted out.