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他的坐骑是一只孔雀。His vehicle is peacock.

耐晒孔雀蓝色淀。Fast Malachite Blue lake.

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孔雀象征骄傲。The peacock typifies pride.

孔雀把尾羽展成扇形。The peacock fanned his tail.

他喜欢孔雀和丹顶鹤。He likes peacocks and cranes.

这只孔雀鱼在韦德后面追着。And the guppy raced after him.

我想要几条孔雀鱼,顺便请教请教养鱼的技术,行吗?Love me, that's all I ask of you.

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而且孔雀还会开屏呢!Peacock can also spread its wings!

孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴。The peacock spreads his splendid tail.

为什么说孔雀最擅长讲故事?Why is a peacock the best story-teller?

为什么说孔雀是最佳讲故事者?Why is a peacock the best story-teller?

哦,对对。叫孔雀河道是吧。Oh, yeah. It's called the Peacock River.

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孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow.

孔雀家族统治着宫门城。The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city.

一个孩子正在喂动物园里的那只雌孔雀。A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo.

她几乎就是一只孔雀,独缺美丽。She is a peacock in everything but beauty.

孔雀炫耀其漂亮的尾羽。The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers.

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孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱脚。The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.

但这可不像养金鱼或孔雀鱼那么简单。This is not like raising goldfish or guppies.

祂的头上美饰着一支孔雀毛。His head was decorated with a peacock feather.