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真是一掷千金!这地方太奢侈,还有成年人的娱乐室。High rollers! The lavish space also has a playroom for adults.

他们或许很有生意头脑,但也很容易一掷千金。They may be business-minded, but they can also fritter money away!

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在一掷千金的一集中主教给豪伊曼德尔来了一个教皇式捶打。The Pope, Papal Pounded Howie Mandel on the set of Deal or No Deal.

他在赌场里一掷千金满不在乎。He thinks nothing of throwing away a thousand dollars at the gambling house.

佩雷斯在一次很少见的采访中为他在明星球员上的一掷千金进行了辩护。In a rare interview, Mr. Perez justifies his massive outlays for on-field talent.

足球如今成为需要大笔资金投入的运动,也许没有其他任何人像佩雷斯这样对足球一掷千金。Perhaps no other man has contributed so much to making soccer the big-money sport it is today.

温格坚称他也可以像曼城主教练曼奇尼一样一掷千金。Arsene Wenger insists he could spend millions like Manchester City counterpart Roberto Mancini.

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一连几天,那些为见她一掷千金的人就让她挠手弄姿,替她照相。For a few days, those who had paid a fortune for the right could pose her and snap her picture.

很多墨西哥家庭往往一掷千金,花的钱甚至比婚礼还多。Many Mexican families often spend thousands of dollars for this, even more than the spending for a wedding.

政府部门,资本家们以及慈善机构都在上面下注,一掷千金。Governments, venture capitalists and medical charities have bet and are still betting billions of dollars on it.

鸟类学家和观鸟爱好者不惜一掷千金,只为领略那操一口难懂英语的导游向他们描述的“群鸟相挤”的景观。Ornithologists and twitchers will pay a lot for what one guide, in his mangled English, described as "bird-squashing".

如今,在餐厅和百货公司,为名贵香槟、名牌服装和豪华汽车一掷千金的往往是中国人。Now at restaurants and department stores Chinese are often the ones who splurge on champagne, designer clothes and luxury cars.

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只有球迷的不满会带来更高代价时,一掷千金罗致球员的场面怕是才能发生。A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was liable to be even more costly.

与此同时,意大利媒体报道切尔西可能一掷千金来收购亚里山德罗·内斯塔。Reports in Italy, meanwhile, have suggested that Chelsea could be about to flex their spending muscles in a bid to sign Alessandro Nesta.

他认为,谷歌对于收购极度自信,它希望这种一掷千金的做法能让监管机构感受到公司的这种信心。He posits that Google is extremely confident, and that it is using the out-sized break-up fee as a way to relay that confidence to regulators.

一些玩家每月的花费达到了数百甚至数千美元──Zynga内部将他们称作“鲸鱼”,与赌场里一掷千金的豪客享用同样的称谓。Some players spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month -- they're called 'whales' inside Zynga, the same term casinos use for high rollers.

我知道我们也同样怀念耐特在禁区中的威力,他会最终被人取代的,总有些人会为这个目标而一掷千金。I knew that as much we would miss Wrighty's prowess in the 18 yard box, he would be replaced, there is always someone who can chip in with the odd goal.

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小美在众多网络游戏玩家中不算最疯狂的,但是也曾经为自己喜欢的游戏宠物一掷千金。Small beauty does not calculate in player of numerous network game the maddest , but the game pet that once also liked for oneself spends money like water.

“我需要承认这一点。”温格希望曼城在继续一掷千金试图打造新纪元之前能够对冠军发起冲击。Wenger expects City to mount a title challenge this season before continuing to splash the cash in their attempts to start a trophy laden era at Eastlands.

中国东南部一沿海城市开放了世界上最大的免税商店,以吸引游客和奢侈品购买者,这些人势必要一掷千金了。A coastal city in south-eastern China hasopened the world's largest duty free shop to lure tourists and luxury shopperswho are prepared to drop fistfuls of cash.