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他能极准确地扣杀球。He can hurl tennis rackets with deadly accuracy.

过顶扣杀之类的球确实总是很有趣。But overhead smashes and stuff is always good fun, yeah.

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他在反手扣杀、手扣杀和吊球方面的技术,给我留下了很深的印象。I was impressed with his skills in the backhand smash , the forehand smash, and the drop shot.

在击球速度上正手反面攻球不如正手正面攻球,正手正面更适合于扣杀。The speed of the forehand attack with the front side is faster than that with the reverse side.

她手法高超,利用大角度斜线球和扣杀迫使对手疲于奔命。She is all finesse, employing wide-angle and drop shots and forcing her opponents into movement.

目前,默多克的激烈言辞似乎还没有减缓,而最近邓文迪的那一记“扣杀”却震惊寰宇。For the moment, the swipes seem not to haveabated. And the latest, most spectacular one came from Wendi.

在这些片段中,田和王身着泳衣,时而高高跃起,时而大力扣杀,时而相互击掌鼓劲。There were Tian and Wang, in red two-piece swimsuits, making dives, spiking the ball and high-fiving each other.

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运动员的个人基本技术包括发球、往返拍击、反手扣杀、正手扣杀和短、轻吊球。The basic individual skills include serving, volleying, the backhand smash, the forehand smash and the drop shot.

因为在双打训练中,你一般都是站在网前进行截击和扣杀。Do you have doubles to thank for that, all of your practice in doubles, because your volleys and your smashes are just great?

你可以成功地打出高吊球、小球、半截击和高压扣杀,并且大部分的第二发球具有良好的深度与旋转。You can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and have good depth and spin on most second serves.

用测量扣杀时球飞出距离来推算击球瞬间的挥拍速度,作为一种简便方法是可行的。It is a simple and feasible method to calculate the instant speed of swing during smash by measuring the bounce distance of the ball.

在拉球和杀球时可以感觉到对手腕和胳膊的影响,但同时我们注意到扣杀,平抽,拉球的控制更好。The impact during fast clear and smash can be felt on the wrist and arm. We also notice that we felt more control on our smashes , drives, and clears.

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在过去一二十年,中国羽毛球队一直很强,他们有高超的“准确远距离”扣杀,推挡,高球扣杀,网前轻吊和扣网前球技术。"China' s badminton teams used to be very strong in the past decades. They showed superb skills in "clear"shot, drive, overhead smash, drop shot and hairpin shot. "

简单的,并且追求了破坏力的高度超攻击型的7枚三合板,精选高反弹的木材,也有不输给碳精等的特殊素材的球板球拍。是旋转球&扣杀选手的最佳选择。Simple, and the pursuit of a highly destructive attack of the 7 ultra-ply, selected high rebound of timber, but also did not lose the special materials such as carbon plate racket ball.

女排姑娘们高跳发球、大力扣杀、腾身拦网、奋勇救险的场景,虽然大家历历在目,可更清晰地浮现在大家脑海中是陈中和的微笑。Women's Volleyball girls high jump serve, and vigorously smash , free front block, Fenyong scene recovery, although we clearly can emerge more clearly in the minds of everyone is Chen smile.