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今天是「孔侑20时」开播200天的日子。Today is the 200th day of Ggong's 20s.

明天早上7点本节目重新开播。We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7.

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一声“开球”,比赛将在下午一点开播。The game would start at 1pm when he would hear "Play ball."

第九季已经开播,换了一大票新角色,是部很搞笑的喜剧。The ninth season has been premiered, with a new set of main characters.

情景喜剧马上就要开播了,快调到一频道。The situation comedy is going to start soon, just switch to channel one.

我们已经知道我们也许不会有开播时间或是资金来做这些。We knew we would not have the airtime or financial resources to do everything.

哥伦比亚广播公司开播于1927年,它有着散布美国各地的分公司。CBS began broadcasting in 1927, with station affiliates scattered throughout the US.

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1982年,美国家庭电视购物网开播,宣告电视购物诞生。In 1982, Home shopping network broadcast, declaring the birth of television shopping.

本月,作为喜剧中心开播最长的动画剧集将播放第15季。Comedy Central’s longest-running cartoon returns this month to start its fifteenth season.

今天我们将要为中级水平的听众开播第一节商务英语播客。Today we’re introducing our first Business English News podcast for intermediate listeners.

开播两季来,已经成为广大观众所追捧的高品质节目。Sow two season, had become wide audience place to pursue the high quality program that boost.

“网络废品20”在一月开播,评价迅速超出了希尔绍恩的期望。Web Junk 20 premiered in January, and ratings quickly exceeded even Hirschorn's expectations.

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据娱乐周刊报道,本剧第二季将在9月22日,也就是星期三正式开播。EW reports the ep will air early on in the second season, which kicks off on Wednesday, Sept. 22.

据美联社报道,上周末,一个名为“萨达姆频道”的卫星电视频道在伊拉克开播。A satellite channel named Saddam Channel began broadcasting in Iraq during the weekend, AP reported.

这部动画的中国版本1月份在中央电视台戏曲平道开播以来,受到广泛好评。The Chinese edition received popular acclaim when it was released on CCTV's drama channel in January.

第13与14集早已经在开播之前于澳门预录完成,剧中时间设定于俊表离开韩国的半年后。Episodes 13 and 14 have already been filmed and takes place in Macau, 6 months after JP left for China.

第二首歌是金东律的「出发」,这首歌是广播开播那天播出的第一首歌。Second song is Kim Dong Ryul's "Start", which was played as the first song in the very first broadcast.

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上次我试过,当它的新一季开播时,我的男子气概根本不给我打开电视的机会。And last time I checked, my manhood won't even let me turn the TV on when new episodes of that show air.

上个月,穆塞尼先生开播了一个用达里语和普什图语播出的全天候卫星新闻频道。Last month Mr Mohseni launched a satellite news channel broadcasting round the clock in Dari and Pashto.

他在该档节目中出现了400多次,次数远远超过这档节目开播以来的其他参与记者。He appeared on the program more than 400 times, far more than any other journalist in the show's history.