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把这称作他的德里兵法吧。Call it his Delhi gambit.

它甚至让我想起孙子兵法和战争的艺术。It goes back to Sun Tzu and The Art of War.

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展览的名称是“武士”,“兵法”。The display is called “Samurai. Art of War”.

按照孙子兵法,你应该不断地迷惑你的敌人。Inthe art of war you should always try to deceive your enemy.

邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.

孙子兵法说,“战争的最高艺术是不战而屈人之兵。”"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. " -Sun Tzu.

是的,阵而后战,兵法之常,运用之妙,全乎一心。Yes, fights and then, art of war it often, wonderful application, all a heart.

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外国人从我们这里学会了孙子兵法,以后就用孙子兵法来反制我们!The foreigner learned an Art of War here from we, later used an Art of War anti- make us!

这里,是剑道的世界,被日本人称为继孙子兵法之后的“小兵法”。This is the world of kendo, called "the little art of War" by the Japanese after Sun Tsu.

传说在战国时期,孙膑和庞涓在千灵山跟随鬼谷子学习兵法。In the Warring States Period, Sun and Pang learned art of war from Guiguzi in Qianling Mountain.

倾向于游戏的智慧,苦读孙子兵法,喜欢写书,喜欢游戏。Prefers the intellects of the game, studies the Art of War, writes books and a student of the game.

黄口小儿不通兵法,还不速速退下!Huang Kou pediatric impassability masterpiece of campaign, also not and presently and soon back bottom!

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其中一位便是秦琼。他不仅被尊为门神,还是中国兵法的守护神。One of them, Qin Qiong, lives on not just as a door god but as a patron saint of Chinese military strategy.

孙子兵法的战略战术和辩证法思想已广泛应用于社会生活的各个领域。The tactics and dialectics embodied in Master Sun Zi Warcraft have found applications in various fields of life.

军校网站上开设了讲武论坛,让学生们自由讨论军事兵法。The website of the military academy has opened a military forum, where students can talk about military science.

文章尝试从兵法计谋的视角看软件开发中的原则、技巧、解决方案。Principles, technique and solutions in software development are reviewed by a view of military strategics and stratagems.

首先概述古典兵法的历史,然后以克劳斯威茨和约米尼理论来定义该兵法的四个基本因素。The history of classic strategy is outlined, then the theory of Clausewitz and Jomini used to define its four basic elements.

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他博学多才,善计谋通兵法指挥了历史上著名的“赤壁之战”等战役。He was erudite and good at schemes and art of war. He used to command such famous battles in history as the "Battle of Chibi".

几个世纪以来,孙子兵法在中国和日本军事及政治战略中得到最高的尊重。For centuries The Art of War was held in the highest regard among both Chinese and Japanese military and political strategists.

一书的内容以中国「孙子兵法」、「卅六计」、外国的圣经、各种童话故事为蓝本。Strategeme examines plots and schemes in Sun Tzu's The Art of War, the " Thirty-Six Stratagems , " the Bible, and fairy stories.