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你不能把这套公寓转租给他人。You can't sublet the apartment.

当我不在的一段时间内,我可以转租吗?Can I sublet my apartment when I'm away?

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夏天我把一套公寓转租给一个朋友。I have sublet a flat to my friend for the summer.

该项目是关于在纽约公寓转租。The project is about an apartment to sublet in nyc.

第八条转租的约定-不能转租。Article 8 The agreement of sublease. -can not sublease.

不可以,转租房屋是不允许的。No. I'm afraid subletting the apartment isn't permitted.

你是否可以把房子转租给别人。Whether you are permitted to rent the, place to someone else?

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女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat.

合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。There eis a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.

我们已将部分办公室转租给一个财务咨询机构。We have subleted part of our offices to a financial consultancy.

该公司租下了这栋大楼,占用了一部分并转租了其余的部分。The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.

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当一件犯罪行为在寻找助力,他们便转租帮凶。When a crime was in quest of arms, they under-let their accomplices.

所以他采取了向经销商转租店面的手法。So he adopted a policy of subleasing his properties to the franchisee.

转租者认为,房子需要进行一些维修和翻新。The subtenant decided that the house needed some repairs and a paint job.

房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease.

转租与租赁转让、租赁权让与应加以区分。Sublet, transfer of lease and transfer of leasehold should be distinguished.

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不得擅自将物业转租,部分或全部占有此物业。Not to sub-let or part with the possession of the Premise in full or in part.

对转租的立法规定,世界上存在自由主义和限制主义二种模式。There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.

这里的租赁活动大大减少,而转租市场的增长。Leasing activity here has greatly diminished while the sublease market has grown.