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问的非常好,答案是否定的Good question. It isn't.

结论是否定的。The answer is negatived.

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受试者会否定自己的行为And people would deny it.

避免否定句。Avoid negative sentences.

不要做消极的否定者。Give up being a naysayer.

我想答案是否定的。I think the answer is NO.

我是多说了一个否定词。I used an extra negative.

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答案既是肯定的,又是否定的。The answer is yes and no.

他们都得到了否定的答案。They all came back negative.

事实否定了他的看法。Facts have refuted his views.

一般来说,答案是否定的。In general, the answer is no.

因此Ury认为这是一种积极的否定。Ury calls this a positive no.

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答案是否定的,单纯吃糖是不会导致糖尿病的。sugar doesn't cause diabetes.

然而,我们不能全盘否定。However, we can not be negated.

否定一切的人就等于承认了一切。He who denies all confesses all.

所有的那些价值观都被否定。All of these values were negated.

我向来都得到否定的回答。I always get a negative response.

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不成想,市场否定的太快了。The market says no , too quickly.

工作是对永恒的否定。Work is the negation of eternity.

但是这并不能否定它们。But that does not invalidate them.