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当看见那一片汪洋大海的时候,我整个人都惊呆了。When I saw all that water, I was mesmerized!

我面前是一片汪洋的丹麦海,冷清清,灰沉沉,广阔无垠。Before me stretches a Danish sea. Cold, gray, limitless.

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但那四英里像一片汪洋,我过不去!But those four miles were like an ocean, which I could not cross!

南海大雾,烟雨朦胧,一条幽魂般的渔船沉浮在一片汪洋之中。South China sea fog, YanYu hazy, a haunter of fishing boats in the vast ocean of ups and downs.

你没看见潮水从四面八方迅疾地往上涨吗?刹那间就把浅滩变成一片汪洋,颜色像椰子壳。Do you see the tide flowing quickly in on all sides, sheeting the lows of sands quickly, shell cocoacoloured?

六月末的热带风暴“海马”将老挝人民民主共和国四个省的村庄毁成一片汪洋。The tropical storm Haima in late June left villages across four provinces of Lao PDR water logged and destroyed.

大部分社区都是一片汪洋,路面严重积水,行人与车辆必须涉水而过。Most communities sank in a vast ocean. Roads were so covered with seeper that foot passengers and vehicles had to paddle.

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大多数受灾地区如今仍是一片汪洋,受灾人数达四百八十万,灾后重建尚需相当漫长的一段时间。Much of the disaster area is still under water. Some 4.8m people have been affected, and recovery will be long-drawn-out.

洪水溶解了村庄的土房子,把农民耕种的田地变成了一片汪洋,把道路变成了筑堤。The floodwater had dissolved the villagers’ mud houses, turned the rice fields they tilled into a lake and the road above into an embankment.

据黎巴嫩新闻机构Naharnet报道,一场暴风雨使首都的街道和房屋陷入一片汪洋之中,交通随之停顿。A heavy rainstorm in the capital flooded streets and houses and brought traffic to a standstill, according to the Lebanese news agency Naharnet.

潘基文在日内瓦的演讲中称如果各国领导人不加快进程签署联合国新条约的话,世界终将淹没在一片汪洋之中。Ban cited when, in a speech in Geneva, he described the world is heading into an abyss on climate change unless leaders quickly step up progress towards a new UN treaty.

有确凿的证据表明木卫二的地表下存在着一片汪洋,那里是人类寻找地外生命的绝佳地点。We have very strong evidence that a vast sub-surface ocean exists on Jupiter’s moon Europa. It’s an incredibly compelling place to explore in our search for life beyond Earth.

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万历二十一年五月,河南境内黄河一线以南普遭水灾,加上河堤溃决,河南、山东和南直三省交界区域一片汪洋。In the May of the 21st Year of Emperor Wanli of Ming Dynasty, the Yellow River flooded the three provinces of Henan, Shandong and Nanzhi, making a water country of this region.

在一片汪洋中,广间随波逐流。过了约三十分钟,当见到身边漂过车辆、家私及房屋残件,他意识到水流要将他冲回海去。After about 30 minutes of drifting along the current, seeing cars, furniture and burning homes pass him by, he knew that he was moving towards the ocean, and farther from shore.

雾霭犹如一片汪洋大海弥漫于山下的洼地,但是在高地上的施拉帕尼茨村,天气十分晴朗。The fog lay stretched in an unbroken sea over the plain, but at the village of Schlapanitz on the high ground where Napoleon was, surrounded by his marshals, it was now perfectly clear.

同年,在黑泽尔顿市发生的一起矿难中,18名工人被活埋在一片汪洋之中,事故的起因是因为附近一个老旧矿洞的底部被敲破,导致水大量涌入矿工所在的矿井。In one accident near Hazleton, Pa., that year, 18 workers were buried alive under a sea of water that rushed into their shaft when a hole was knocked in the bottom of an old mine nearby.

大约4.5亿年前,这里是一片汪洋大海,后来,由于地球内部运动,海水下降,陆地崛起,溶蚀成现在的洞体和千姿百态的钟乳石。About 4.5 billion years ago, there was a sea, and later, due to internal movement of the earth, the sea dropped, the rise of land, erosion into the hole and now are thousands of stalactites.

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市中心附近的库图比亚清真寺,尖塔高高耸立在宛如一片汪洋的玫瑰色建筑物中,绚丽夺目的磁夸和装饰性的拱门,都是这座深具历史意义的建筑的特色。Near the city center, the towering minaret of Koutoubia Mosque rises up from a sea of rose-colored buildings. The historic building features eye-catching ceramic tiles and decorative arches.