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倒像是一团辉光云气。It looked like a bundle of glowing gas.

最后云气散尽,出现了一张巨大的脸,神情沮丧。At last a great sad face looked out of the vapor.

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云气漫山,随风四散,恍如隔世。The mist was scattered over the mountain by the wind.

当照相机镜头移近时,我看清了这辉光云气长什么样了。Asthe camera zoomed in, I could make out what looked like glowing gas.

若然者,乘云气,骑日月,而游乎四海之外。If so, who, by clouds, riding sun and the moon, but travel outside the peaceful seas.

这颗恒星位于照片里那团云气的上方,就是那颗最璀璨的“明星”。This star is the brightest object located just above the gas front in the above image.

“云气”图是汉画像中的典型图像,以各种形式出现在汉画像中。The cloudy haze design as a typical image presents in various forms in Han stone reliefs.

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每天,海风及阳光将不计其数的水份自海面吸走,形成云气,施洒各地。Everyday wind and sunlight take away countless water to form cloud that sprays water everywhere.

考虑一团云气在自身重力的吸引影响下向内收缩。Consider a cloud of gas that is contracting inward under the attractive power of its own gravity.

类似复合体A和C这样的云气,提供了新鲜气体坠落的第一个证据。Clouds such as complexes A and C thus provide the first direct evidence for the infall of fresh gas.

在上面图片中心处的这个怪异的“生物”,是一个著名的彗星状云球的云气团。The odd looking "creature" in the center of the above photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule.

该星云是超新星的遗迹,是一个大质量的恒星死亡爆炸时的扩散云气形成的。The nebula is a large supernova remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star.

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铁彪再回头,但见所有孩子都走光,只有绣云气得板着脸出现背后。Iron young tiger look back, but see all the children are exposed, only the face plate with gas appear behind it.

这些星系尘埃和星际云气,是未来造星的材枓。The dust, in conjunction with the galaxy's interstellar gas, comprises the raw material for future star formation.

马头星云的黑暗特征是因为它是一团不透明的尘埃云,并刚好位在发光的红色发射云气前方。The horse-head feature is dark because it is really an opaque dust cloud which lies in front of the bright red emission nebula.

在这张伪彩色红外光的影像里,喷流的红外辐射来自于被喷流所加热的周围尘埃云气。In the false-color infrared image, the tornado glows with infrared light generated as the outflow heats surrounding dust clouds.

由重叠的云气所组成,广阔的蜘蛛星云就在中央偏左处,是大麦哲伦星系最大的恒星孕育区。Composed of many overlapping clouds, the sprawling Tarantula Nebula left of center, is by far the LMC's largest star forming region.

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当星系互撞期间,星系可能因重力拉扯另外一个星系,尘埃与云气也会因此而合并。But during the collision, one galaxy can rip the other apart gravitationally , and dust and gas common to both galaxies does collide.

在这片离地球1500光年远的广大星际分子云的边缘,有一些发光的云气包围著年轻亮星。The Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot young stars at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud only 1500 light-years away.

这些反射银河系盘面星光的黯淡尘埃云气,约在盘面上方数百光年的位置。The dim, dusty nebulae reflect starlight from our own Milky Way Galaxy and lie only a few hundred light-years above the galactic plane.