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“充分”地大声疾呼。To cry "enough".

我的灵魂大声疾呼So, my spirit dictates to me.

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报纸大声疾呼反对政府的政策。The newspapers clamoured against the government's policy.

而法国小说家勒纳尔则大声疾呼道,“谦逊吧!它是一种最不能冒犯别人的骄傲”Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend.

这是正在大声疾呼的最大问题。That is the biggest problem that is crying out, " noted Aiyar."

她甚至大声疾呼,反对那些阻挡自由的、传统礼教的绊脚石。She also speaks out against the traditional hindrances to freedom.

我们必须站出来大声疾呼,反对这种恶行。It is essential that we speak out loud and clear against such abuses.

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游行示威者大声疾呼,要求首相辞职。The demonstrators were baying for the resignation of the prime minister.

现在,经过自由派的大声疾呼,总统的立场又动摇了,正如他一贯食言的那样。Now, after an outcry by liberals, the president is dithering—his default mode.

美人的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loud call of duty.

为此社区站出来大声疾呼,而检控官也就该刑期判决进行上诉。The community stood up and spoke out, and the Crown sought to appeal the sentence.

美人儿的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.

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于是机器人就会开始全速前进,大声疾呼,"危险,罗宾逊指挥官"And the robot would start whizzing and binging and shout out, "Danger, Commander Robinson!"

无论是什么,我不会相信,因为我不觉得这比大声疾呼反对科学事实更有道理。I don't, because I don't think it makes any more sense than railing against scientific truths.

我们今天看到的是一个星期五祈祷后,被反卡扎菲的示威抗议,大声疾呼。What we saw today after Friday prayers was a vociferous protest by anti-Gaddafi demonstrators.

他大声疾呼是因为土耳其是维吾尔穆斯林的宗教盟友。He was speaking out, he said because the Turks are the ethnic brothers of the Turkic Muslim Uigur.

不过在很多警察国家里,人们可不敢这样大声疾呼——至少不敢真名实姓地进行批评。But in most police states, people don’t dare call it that — at least not with their names attached.

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第一个就是指责共和党虚伪---为什么在布什挥金如土,赤字越来越多时,他们不大声疾呼呢?The first is to accuse them of hypocrisy—why did they not speak up when Mr Bush was splurging red ink?

论文最后,大声疾呼要重建学魂并探求学魂复归之路。Finally, we call for the rebuilding of the soul of learning and seek out the reverted road of the soul.

他大声疾呼地说完了那段话,声音粗野、强硬、嘶哑,态度急躁、鲁莽而天真。He had said these things in a loud, rapid, hoarse voice, with a sort of irritated and savage ingenuousness.