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您患了急性中耳炎。You have acute otitis media.

急性中耳炎是最常见的儿童。Symptoms of otitis media is how to do?

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可以做任何事情,以防止中耳炎?Can anything be done to prevent otitis media?

中耳炎可以引起疼痛和发烧。These infections can cause ear pain and a fever.

常见例子是慢性中耳炎。A common example is chronic middle ear infection.

中耳炎是通常所造成的普通感冒。Otitis media is usually caused by the common cold.

最常见的原因是穿孔性中耳炎。The most common cause of perforation is otitis media.

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感冒引发了鼻炎、中耳炎,应该注意些什么?The cold caused rhinitis, tympanitis , what should notice?

中耳炎是指发炎的耳朵,和媒体手段中东。Otitis refers to inflammation of the ear, and media means middle.

您患了急性中耳炎和乳突炎。You have suffered from acute infection of the middle ear and mastoid.

迄今为止,最常见的医学病症我看到我的做法是中耳炎。By far the most common medical ailment I see in my practice is OTITIS.

探讨“C”型鼓室图在分泌性中耳炎的临床意义。Purpose To study the multi view CT technique for tympanum examination.

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胆脂瘤的复发是中耳炎手术的难题之一。Recidivism of cholesteatoma is a remarkable problem in otologic surgery.

目的观察仙璐贝治疗急性分泌性中耳炎的临床疗效。Objective To observe the effect of Sinupret on acute secretory otitis media.

此外,患有慢性中耳炎、鼓膜穿孔的人,下水游泳也轻易使炎症加重。In addition chronic tympanitis perforations swimming is also easy to make water.

当他们伴有“中耳炎”或者睡眠窒息时是需要治疗的。When they are associated with 'glue ear' or sleep apnoea removal is recommended.

探讨“C”型鼓室图在分泌性中耳炎的临床意义。To explore the clinical meaning of "C" tympanum figure in secretory otitis media.

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还有常用的“分泌性中耳炎”一词,就是这样产生的。There are commonly used, "secretory otitis media, " the word, that is, in this way.

儿童肥胖症可能与正在发生的渗出性中耳炎相关。Childhood obesity may be associated with the occurrence of otitis media with effusion.

吸烟者患上中耳炎的机率也比非吸烟者高两倍。Smokers are also three times more likely than non-smokers to get middle ear infections.