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土霉素的作用是什么?What is the action of terramycin?

土霉素会不会有什么副作用啊?。What side effect can terramycin have?

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土霉素对炭疽杆菌是有效的。Oxytetracycline is effective against b anthracis.

土霉素用于治疗结膜炎另一种药物。Terramycin is another medication used to treat conjunctivitis.

效力最差的是金霉素、土霉素和四环素。Least effective were chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline.

美中不足包含在一个多粘菌素B和石油基地土霉素。The ointment contains polymixin B and oxytetracycline in a petroleum base.

添加少量的外加碳、氮源能够提高菌株对土霉素的降解率。Adding carbon and nitrogen enhanced the strain to degenerate the Oxytetracycline in medium.

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医药工业用于制造金霉素、土霉素、四环素、链霉素、麻黄素。The pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of aureomycin, terramycin, tetracycline, streptomycin, ephedrine.

某些兽药抗生素如土霉素等,在环境中的持久性较强,对生物和环境可能存在着潜在的威胁。Several substances, such as oxytetracycline , which are persistent in soils, may be potential threat to the environment.

在萃取的基础上,进行了乳状液膜分离萃取发酵废液中土霉素的试验研究。An emulsion liquid membrane extraction process was performed to recover oxytetracycline from the fermentation wastewater.

蓄积性毒性试验结果表明,土霉素对鸡有中等蓄积作用。The results of the accumulative toxicity experiment show that Oxytetracycline was medium accumulative toxicity to chicken.

本法简便、快速、定量准确、精密度高,适用于猪肉样品中克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、土霉素、四环素残留量的检测。The method is simple, rapid and accurate for detection of clenbuterol, salbutamol, oxytetracycline and tetracycline in pork.

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对蜂蜜中土霉素的提取方法进行了研究,得出了它们的最佳提取方法和条件。The extracting conditions and methods of oxytetracycline from honey were studied, and the best extracting method and conditions were obtained.

土霉素宽幅射的抗生素,c22h24n2o9,由放线菌衍生链菌素属。A broad-spectrum antibiotic, C22H24N2O9, derived from the actinomycete Streptomyces rimosus and used to treat a variety of bacterial infections.

光谱分析表明,金属离子对土霉素光解的影响可能与它们之间的络合作用有关。According to the spectrometry analysis, the influence of metal ions on the photolysis of OTC was probably related to the complexation between them.

本文对土霉素在动物食品中残留检测方法进行了综述,对各种方法优缺点进行了简单说明。In this paper a review summarizes recent development of determination of oxytetracycline and a brief assessment of each analytical method is given.

又如氯喹、土霉素、地高辛等,在注射部位极易析出药物结晶,难以吸收,形成肿块。Wait like chloroquine, Terramycin , digoxin again, in inject place medicaments of extremely easy separate out crystallizes, absorb hard, form bump.

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萃取法处理土霉素结晶母液工艺简单、效率高,具有良好的经济和环境效益。Extraction method of treating oxytetracycline crystallizing mother solution was simple and good for economic performance and environmental protection.

本文研究了盐酸脱氧土霉素中微量金属元素铁的火焰原子吸收分光光度法的测定。This paper reports the development of the determination of trace metal Fe in doxycycline hydrochloric acid by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

研究结果表明本方法稳定可靠,适合动物源食品中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、多西环素多残留的测定。The results show this method is validated for determination of oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chlortetracycline and doxycycline residues in animal-derived food.