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这种人真是少有。I seldom see such a guy.

类似这样的事件是非常少有的。Something like this is very rare.

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他是玩锤子剪刀布的少有的高手。He is one of the best RPS athletes.

当然,这些也只是少有的值得注意的案例。These are, of course, only a few notable cases.

少有的知己也是自少女时期交往的旧友。A rare friend is from girlhood friend exchanges.

少有蔬菜能与这种多叶绿色植物比肩。Few foods can hold a candle to this leafy green.

文不加点的人是很少有的。Those who never blot a line in writing are rare.

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一阵少有的激情伴随人们高声的叫喊在楼下爆发。An air of excitement rarely blares down the stairs.

马到了,果然是一匹天下少有的千里马。The horse arrived, and it was a rare " thousand-mile".

很少有跛行病人需要进行这种手术。Very few people with claudication need this operation.

这是席慕容诗集中少有的甜美诗中的一首。These are a few of those romantic poems from Xi Muyong.

最低的座位是极其珍奇的,最生的生物也是世间少有的。Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives.

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最低的座信是极其珍奇的,最小的生物也是世间少有的。Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives.

此外,书中所说的职场原则也鲜少有用武之地。The career principles in the books are also of limited use.

这是树林里隐藏的高尔夫球场,少有的依山傍海。This is one golf course hidden in hurst, near sea and hill.

对,但是老艾说“艺术这事太小了”。他是少有的人物。Yes. But he said " art is too small. " He is rare somebody.

萤石-石英-白云石是一种稀见少有呈晶簇产出的矿物。Fluorite is one of common mineral assumed crystalline druses.

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他的容貌是连神界都少有的。His handsome appearance was quite rare even among the divine.

这个时候我们少有地,感到了来自Haze的解释。It has the feeling of a rare moment of explanation from Haze.

山洞里来了天使啦,要不然,也是世间少有的美少女。There is an angel in the cave, or if not, an earthly paragon.