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图象的描述。Describes the image.

这些图象是XX位灰度图象。Images are XX bit greyscale.

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以每秒7200张图象拍摄。Filmed at 7, 200 images per second.

所以,我打开图象,降低它的饱和度。So I opened the image and desaturated it.

这台电视机从来收不到好的图象。You can never get a good picture on this set.

真实的3D图象可以用若干种方法生成。True 3D images can be created in several ways.

添加图象的一个简单方法是使用标记。The simple way to add an image is using the tag.

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每个缩略图连接到它的全尺寸的图象。Each thumbnail is linked to its full-sized image.

这是关于数字图象处理中图像平滑的一个程序。In the field of digital image processing , image.

掌控图象处理模块。Masami Sugimori handled image-processing functions.

图象的内容如迷药般蔓延,将它们作成内透式灯箱。The contents of the images extend like hallucinogen.

第二个是一个媒体集,用于接收图象。The second is a media collection that accepts images.

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结果会造成图象扭曲和颜色失真。This may result in a distorted or miscolored picture.

更多的象素表示更高和更好图象质量。More pixels means higher and better the image quality.

并对弱混沌图象的艺术特征进行分析。And analysis the artistic features of weah chaos image.

本文发展了一种非相干光图象消模糊的方法。An incoherent image-deblurring method has been developed.

他向她展现连接到名叫‘极北之地’的另一幅图象。He showed her another image linked to the name ' Thule '.

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色温是图象颜色在光谱上的变化,从蓝色到黄色。The "hue" of a color determines what shade that color is.

双波段指的是电视图象和红外图象。The double-wave-bands means TV image and infra-red image.

这样就消除了图象的模糊和不稳定。Thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images.