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最后加数滴白松露油。Finally add a few drops of white truffle oil.

让我们听听学生们加数做得如何吧!Let's hear how well the students can add together.

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两个数相加,交换加数的位置,他们的和不变。Switch the two addends and the sum remains the same.

两个数相加,交换加数的位置,他们的和不变。In addition, switch the two addends and the sum remains the same.

加法器是产生数的和的装置。加数和被加数为输入,和数与进位为输出的装置为半加器。Addend and the summand input, and digital and carry the output device is a half adder.

它的特殊功能是指南针及有放大镜加数块小型世界地图。Its special function is the compass and has the magnifying glass addend block small world map.

汇编实现一位数加数,多位数加法,查找字符串,乘法。Achieve a compilation of several augend , multi-digit addition, search strings, multiplication.

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这样就使涡轮和压缩机能够更快地加数,并更早地产生动力激增。This allows the turbine and compressor to accelerate quickly, and start providing boost earlier.

从雪柜取出肉串,放在烤炉上烤至熟即可。食用前可加数滴柠檬汁增加风味。Take out from refrigerator and grill the kebabs on a preheated grill. Can serve with lemon juice.

这个程序有两个区域,分别对应两个加数,还有一个用来随机选择两个加数的按钮。Imagine that it has two fields, one for each number, and it has a button that selects random numbers to be added.

况且,这些加数必须写成一列,因为他只会累加连续的子序列。In addition, the numbers had to be written in a sequence and he was able to sum just continuous subsequences of the sequence.

当次可加数列的一般项与其项数之比为有下界的数列时,证明了比值数列必有极限。It is proved that when all the ratios of the generic term of a subaddtive sequence to its ordinal number form a lower bounded sequence, the ratio sequence must have limitation.

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应留意本科试题会考核考生利用数学科及附加数学科的知识和技巧解决问题的能力。Candidates should bear in mind that questions involving knowledge and skills in both CE Mathematics and Additional Mathematics may be set to assess abilities of candidates in problem solving.