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用40千瓦这个尺度来划分。With 40 kw this scale.

它的最先100千瓦电池卖给了谷歌。Its first 100-kilowatt unit went to Google.

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一台典型的无线电发射功率为100千瓦。A typical radio transmitter has a power of 100 kilowatts.

太阳能发电总装机容量超过5000千瓦。This adds up more than 5,000 kWp of installed solar power.

每条海蛇大约产生750千瓦的清洁电力。Each snake produces about 750 kilowatts of clean electricity.

在这种情况下,你需要一个适配器,可以处理50千瓦以上。In this case you'll need an adapter which can handle 50 KW or more.

不过,基于每千瓦成本对这些可选方案进行比较具有迷惑性。But comparing alternatives on a cost per kilowatt basis is deceptive.

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瓦和千瓦是电的功率计量单位。Watts and kilowatts are the units in which electric power is measured.

而当这些浮标进行工作,他它们能产生150千瓦的电力。Once in the water, the buoy will generate up to 150 kilowatts of power.

“戴森风刀”可以在10秒钟内完成烘干一双手的任务,同时仅耗费1.6千瓦能源。This dryer does the job in about 10 seconds with 1.6 kilowatts of power.

该发布服务器将千瓦使用信息发送到公共事业公司。This publisher sends kilo-watt usage information to your utility company.

激光复仇者能用稍弱的1千瓦光速把远程控制的飞机烤焦。It cooked the remote-controlled aircraft using a somewhat feeble 1-kilowatt beam.

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我的目标是有一台发电机,产生在大约接近1千瓦风20英里每小时。My goal is to have a generator that produces close to 1kw in roughly 20mph winds.

但随着引入定音鼓,需要1千瓦的电涌。“But then the kettle drum comes in,” demanding a sudden power surge of 1-kilowatt.

最后介绍了利用所研制的千瓦级大功率光纤激光器进行扫雷的试验。At last, The trial of mine sweeping by using kilowatt class fiber laser was presented.

连续五天,它随着海潮起伏,发出10千瓦左右的电。For five days it rose and fell with swells and generated around 10 kilowatts of power.

本文论述了千瓦级快速轴流CO_2激光器中混合工作气体的高速流动。The paper describes fast-flow of mixture gas in a kilo-watt fast-axial flow CO2 laser.

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相比之下,美国目前拥有6千瓦兆太阳能发电能力和33千瓦兆的风能发电能力。For comparision, the U.S. currently has .6 gigawatts of solar and 33 gigawatts of wind.

以日产公司的新型电动汽车做比较,Leaf汽车只配有24千瓦的电池。To compare, Nissan’s new electric car, the Leaf, comes with a 24 kilowatt-hour battery.

动力中枢是个很令人兴奋的地方,有四台1020千瓦的诺德贝格柴油发电机提供电力。The power center was an exciting place with four 1,020-kw Nordberg diesels to supply power.