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拦网得分比重有逐渐上升的趋势。The proportion of block is seeing an upward trend.

迫不及待去看冯坤如何施展他的魔法去对付俄罗斯的拦网!Can't wait to see Kun Feng work her magic on the Russian block.

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发球命中率和拦网水平有明显的提高。The service scoring and block level had been improved distinctly.

巴西如果没有玛丽安妮将会死得很惨,26分扣球6分拦网!Brazil would be dead in the water without Mari. 26 kills and 6 blocks!

拦网是带有攻击性的防守技术,是得分的重要手段。Blocking means attacking in the match and is an important way to score.

中国是一支非常强大的队伍,防守和拦网队员配合的非常好。China is great team and blitz defense, blocking players have chemistry.

发球、一传、扣球和拦网技术是排球运动的基本技术。Serve, first pass, spiking and block are the basic techniques in volleyball games.

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是的,球没有触及拦网队员,但它触及后排队员的身体了。Yes, I did. The ball didn't touch the blocking players, but it touched the back row player.

结果显示,我国优秀男排队除拦网外,在发球、扣球等方面有一定的差距。The results show that the China's teams are weak in serving, spiking, excepting their blocking.

毽球运动中的拦网技术既是防守技术,也是得分手段。The blocking technique of shuttlecock is not only a defence technique, but also a scoring means.

主要体现在防守无效拦网球的防守效果差异上。Is mainly reflected in the defense invalid block the ball on the defensive effect of differences.

蓝队拦网球员整只脚落在对方场内,犯规。第二裁判有发现此情况并且正确的鸣哨。Blue blocker landed on the opponents court by foot, faulty. R2 recognised it and correctly whistled.

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接着薛明的进攻和拦网给了对方很大的压力,接比分拉开。Mr Shipman went on the offensive and to block a lot of pressure on the other side, then opened the score.

该游戏设有屏幕上的控制,进攻,拦网和执行特殊终结技。The game play features on-screen controls for attacking, blocking and performing special finishing moves.

接发球一攻、跳发球、攻击性拦网以及自由人的训练已成为现代排球训练的重点。First round attack, offensive block and the liberal player are the most important in modern volleyball training.

随着排球技战术的发展,拦网越来越在比赛中起到至关重要的作用。With the development of volleyball technology, blocking turns out an increasingly crucial roles in volleyball matches.

在排球比赛的技术当中拦网是防守的第一道防线,是防守反击的重要环节。Blocking proves the first frontier in the volleyball competitive techniques and the critical segment in defense and spiking.

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如果拦网后球被救起,那么只能被记为是一种进攻尝试。In the case that the ball remains in play after a blocker touches the ball, only an attempt will be automatically registered.

主要体现在拦网结构比例的差异和双人拦网效果比例差异。Is mainly reflected in the proportion of block structure, the differences and differences in the proportion of two-block effect.

波兰队拦网者伸过对方空间拦网,但巴西队这边并无任何球员去处理球,拦网者的动作是合法的。POL blocker penetrates into the opponent's space, but since there was nobody to play the ball on BRA side, his action was legal.