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您能看,我是俏丽和可爱的。You can see, I'm pretty and lovely.

她是位俏丽的女人,只有三十四岁。She was a handsome woman, just thirty-four.

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咱去过伦敦,那是个俏丽哒城市。Irve been to London , which is a beautiful city.

如果杰克爱上了吉尔,吉尔再丑他也说俏丽。If Jack's in love, he's no judge of Jill's beauty.

俏丽动人的服饰,是姑娘们永恒的选择。Pretty and touching dresses are girls' eternal choice.

例句她那些俏丽的玫瑰在花展上得了三等奖。Her beautiful roses won third prize at the flower show.

这便是玉轮上俏丽女人的传说了。This is the beautiful woman in the moon , the Moon Fairy.

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我每天看您新的图片,非常俏丽的女孩!!!!!I look at your new picture every day, very pretty girl! ! ! ! !

富含眉毛生养能量,黄褐色调,青春甜美,活泼俏丽。Rich in eyebrow have energy, yellow brown hue, youth and sweet.

多数英俊的男人或俏丽的女人将面对另一问题。Most handsome man or pretty woman will face another kind of problem.

生存环境是更好,它是好有绿色,露天场所和俏丽的庭院。The living environment is better, It's nice to have green , open space and pretty gardens.

李老师有病的时候仍周旋给我们上课,看起来很虚亏却仍旧俏丽。Miss Li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill , She looked weak, but still beautiful.

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漂亮。她使我想起德国姑娘,她看上去俏丽娴雅,舞姿也很优美。Yes, she makes me think of the German girls, she looks so fresh and quiet, and dances like a lady.

厦门锐视品牌筹谋机构,于2010年创立于俏丽的国际花圃都会——厦门。Xiamen RUIS brand planning organizations was born in beautiful international garden city – Xiamen in 2010.

正如我列出的名作所说明的那样,浪漫,俏丽和令人不安的欲望之间通常是很难分辨的。The romantic, the saucy and the disturbingly kinky are often hard to tell apart as my list gently illustrates.

上世纪末期,它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。At the end of the last century, marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the german skies.

灯笼上俏丽的鼠姑娘穿着大红衣裙,小手扯着吉祥的条幅,给大家带来了祝福和快乐。The pretty Mouse Girl in a red dress on the lantern holds a band in her little hands, wishing all a Happy New Year.

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它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。At the end of the last century, a marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the German skies.

穿着俏丽的短裤、迷你裙,和可爱清新的吊带,在绿色的原野上好美丽哦!Wearing a pretty game on the shorts, miniskirts , tank tops and fresh and cute, in a green field oriented beautiful!

她说,“在某些方面,我们应该允许自己妒忌最俏丽或招人喜欢的姑娘。”"In some ways, there is a tacit consent that we should be jealous of the prettiest or most popular girls," she says.