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熊猫吃嫩竹叶。Panda eats shoots and leaves.

熊猫以吃竹叶为生。A panda lives on bamboo leaves.

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从一片竹叶看见世界。To see a world from a bamboo leaf.

然后用竹叶包好,煮熟。It is then wrapped in bamboo leaf and boiled.

八百花海界,三千竹叶深。The flower sea extends eight hundred miles wide.

六个月后,希望开始吃竹笋和竹叶。Xi Wang started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.

两片竹叶,像胡子一样贴到鼻子下面。Stick two bamboo leaves under the nose like beard.

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我们还看到这只熊猫在啃竹叶。We also got to check out this panda chowing down some leaves.

结论竹叶提取物能提高整体动物的抗缺氧能力。Conclusion FBE can increase the anti- hypoxic effect of animals.

前调有竹叶,荔枝,保加利亚玫瑰和紫罗兰。Top notes include bamboo leaf, litchi, Bulgarian rose and violet.

竹叶青亦作竹叶清,简称竹叶,是我国历史名酒之一。Zhuyeqing liquor, also named Zhuye, is one of the famous liquors in China.

你为什么要在龙舟节这天品尝包在竹叶中的糯米呢?Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up oin bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day ?

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竹秆小型,竹叶翠绿,是一种良好的观赏竹种。The elegant culms and bright green leaves make it a charming ornamental bamboo.

我们在齐膝深的溪流行走,上面有竹叶遮阴,最后走到一处清洁的池塘。We hiked under bamboo leaves in knee-deep water, until we came to a clear pool.

春天的雨是柔和的,只见春雨在竹枝、竹叶上跳动着。Spring rain is downy, saw a spring rain in bamboo, bamboo leaves on the heartbeat.

最后对竹叶黄酮的发展前景进行了预测。Finally, the developmental prospects of flavonoids in henon bamboo leaf was predicted.

特有的竹叶清香,使口腔保持长时间的爽洁,给您一天的好心情。The unique fragrance of bamboo, oral keep long bright, give you the day in a good mood.

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梦中的奶奶是睡着的,可她的肚皮却如干枯的树皮,如如枯落的竹叶。Dream of the grandma is asleep, but her belly is like the dry bark, such as litter leaves.

对竹叶黄酮类物质的微波提取工艺进行了研究。The extracting technology of flavone by microwave from bamboo leaf was studied in the paper.

粽子是一种由竹叶或芦苇叶包成塔形的糯米团子。Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.