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灵气按摩杀手。Reiki killers.

您多频密教授灵气?How often do you teach?

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我们如何接受灵气训练?How to receive Reiki training.

但他们早期的尝试均缺少灵气。Their early attempts were uninspiring, however.

动物传心术,灵气治疗及宠物褓姆。Animal communication, Reiki healing and pet nanny.

一种与外表无关的灵气和美丽。A nimbus and beauty irrelative with the appearance.

灵气是带着爱的最高形式的能量。Reiki is the highest form of energy along with love.

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在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin &gorgeous.

在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous.

灵气是以意念为引导的宇宙生命力能量。Reiki is spiritually guided universal life force energy.

练习灵气你并不需要超出能力范围的天赋。To practice reiki you don't need special paranormal gifts.

在任何时刻,在很多不同的事物上都可以使用灵气。Reiki can be use at all times for so many different things.

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水晶是一种很有灵气的石头,块头是大是小都不要紧。Crystals are very clever little rocks and size does not matter.

我想试一下顺势疗法或灵气疗法,尽管我他们是荒谬的。I'd go for homeopathy or reiki except I think they're nonsense.

我们也不希望战士的姿态变的和DK们的灵气一样。We don't want warrior stances to be like DK presences for example.

当你越来越多地运用灵气时,你的能量震动就会持续增强。And as you use the Reiki more and more your vibration continues to increase.

修正怪物对巴萨则灵气所造成的伤害没有回应。Monsters were not responding to damage taken from the skill Balthazar's Aura.

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普鲁塔克还记录了灵气的一些物理性质。Plutarch also recorded a number of physical characteristics about the pneuma.

黄金,天上和光速粒子都是最佳的发生经过完整的亢达里尼灵气点化。Gold, Etherial and Tachyon are best taken after full Kundalini Reiki attunement.

耳朵上垂坠水滴般清透的宝石灵气逼人。Hang down on ear object the clear lapidary spirit gas like water is threatening.