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这钱包便真成了件失物。The purse was actually lost.

当然,这些失物从未被找回过。Some, of course, are never found.

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失物应在一星期内领去。The tickets are good for two week.

今天我的题目是失物与寻找。Today, my topic is lost and found.

我建议你去失物招领处看看。I suggest you go to the Lost and Found.

这层有个失物招领处。There's a Lost and Found on this floor.

在失物招领处的书是你的吗?Is your book in the lost and found case?

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学习写寻物启示和失物招领启示。Difficulty Learn to write Lost and Found.

这栋大楼有失物招领处吗?Does this building have a lost-and-found?

在失物招领处的那台电脑是她的吗?Is that computer the lost and found case?

派克先生去了失物招领处。Mr. Parker went to the lost and found office.

您为何不去失物招领处询问呢?Why don't you check the Lost Property Office?

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所有的公共场所都有失物招领处。Any public place should have a lost and found.

在失物招领处人们做什么?What do people do at the lost and found office?

你觉得需要于本网站增设失物启示版吗?Do you need a "Lost & Found" coner in this site?

我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。I claimed my lost luggage at the Lost and Found.

失物应在一星期内领去。Lost articles should be called for within a week.

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失物招领箱里有一支橘黄色的钢笔。There's an orange pen in the lost and found case.

这条消息是有关失物招领的。The news is about one of the lost-and-found cases.

当然可以,先生。这事归失物招领处管。Yes, sir. That'll be the Lost Property Department.