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界碑只是一种标识。A boundary marker is only a symbol.

你以为界碑就是边界啊?You thought the boundary marker means to be the boundary?

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横跨把森林分开的站立的石头界碑。Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified.

横跨把森林分开的站立的石头界碑,一直在你身边。Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side.

定位问题,是科学与愚昧的分水岭,也是成功与失败的界碑。Positioning problem is a watershed science and ignorance is the pillar of success and failure.

阿肯那顿法老开始树立界碑,确定边界,建立自己的新都城。The pharaoh Akhenaten began to build his new city by placing boundary markers to define its limits.

耸立在几英里之外的地平线上,这座大厦是澳门粗俗和繁荣的界碑。Dominating the skyline for miles, the edifice is a monument to vulgarity and Macau's new prosperity.

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为了表彰酒庄,洛杉矶市确定圣安东尼酒庄为历史文化的一个界碑。In recognition, the city of Los Angeles designated San Antonio Winery a Cultural Historical Landmark.

破坏界桩、界碑罪是刑法典中的一个重要罪名。The boundary tablets and boundary makers sabotage crimes are very felon charges in the criminal code.

每一个家长都期盼着这些成长过程中的界碑,可贝弗利等了二十年。Every parent looks forward to these developmental milestones, but Beverly has been waiting two decades.

本次联合检查期间,双方将对边界线位置进行实地查看确认,并更换界碑。During this inspection, the two sides will check and confirm their borderline, and renew the boundary markers.

2000年作为一个标识文化时间的界碑,对中国独立电影来说,是重要的年份。The year 2000 as a milestone in cultural timeline, it was especially significant for independent Chinese film.

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中越陆地边界云南段共竖立界碑665个,勘界立碑工作完成。The Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnam land boundary demarcation project has ended with 665 boundary tablets erected.

2011年4月11日,中国老挝边界第一次联合检查界碑揭幕仪式在云南磨憨—磨丁口岸举行。On April 11, 2011, officials from China and Laos held an unveiling ceremony of a new boundary tablet at the Mohan-Boten border crossing point.

在雅典城附近,考古人员令人惊奇地发现了界碑,界碑的一面刻着,"这里是雅典,不是麦加拉"There is a wonderful archaeological discovery of a boundary stone near Athens on which it is written on one side, this is Athens, it is not Megara.

天人们便如同刚才看到她和上官惊鸿跨过界碑一样,再次惊怔住!The nature and men then like just saw her and altitude officer the surprised Hong tread over boundary stone similar, again surprised stunned speechless!

这坚定不变的地方带来了汹涌如潮的记忆,她觉得内心紧绷,她意识到了长久以来忘记了的界碑。The constancy of the place brought back a flood of memories, and she felt her insides tighten as one by one she recognized landmarks she'd long since forgotten.

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菲律宾说中国军队向菲律宾渔民开枪,部署海军巡逻舰艇威吓石油勘探船只,并在一些小岛设置界碑。The Philippines has said Chinese forces shot at Filipino fishermen, deployed navy patrol boats to intimidate an oil exploration vessel and placed markers on some of the islets.

市内有远东火车站旧址,离市区不远有中俄绥芬河界碑,可以隔着防火栏眺望对面的俄罗斯哨所。There is the site of Far East Railway Station in the city, near the urban district there is boundary monument between China and Russia, you can look Russian sentry over fireguard.