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大埔区内各团体群策群力推广职业安全信息。Organizations gave concerted effort in promoting OSH message.

我们需要群策群力,设法找到一个长期有效的解决办法。We need to brainstorm a more permanent solution to a problem.

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二、三,叠罗汉,群策群力,一起到高天去游玩。One, two, three working together playfully reaching the heights.

群策群力,敬业乐群是员工对公司的信赖。Employees trust the company so they pool their wisdom and efforts into the company.

要齐心协力、群策群力,渡过当前这道难关。Must work as one, pool brains and brawn, has tided over the current this difficulty.

我们热忱邀您加入“开创者氏族”,群策群力,筑梦踏实。We warmly invite you to join the "pioneer clan", to bring their dreams into reality.

只要领导人群策群力,我们会找到克服困难的办法的。If only the leaders would put their heads together we might find a way out of our difficulties.

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在鼓励群策群力上,你在架构上所能最好的事情就是放开渠道。When it comes to inspiring collaborative ideation, the best you can do structure-wise is open the channels.

他希望通过“群策群力”这类倡导行动来培养通用电气公司的员工和管理人员的自信。Through initiatives like Work-Out, he sought to instill confidence into the psyche of GE employees and managers.

打造一个健康的政治文化,集体领导,群策群力,推动党务。To create a healthy political culture, with collective leadership and coordinated team work developing the party.

一个邻里、社区的生活品质,惟有在社区居民群策群力下才能保持美好的成果。The quality of life in every community and township can be maintained only with the collective effort of all residents.

人工翻译可以让我们群策群力,共同解决全球问题,并看到人类抉择的优缺点。Human translation lets us address collective global issues while also seeing the negative and positive impact of our choices.

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还有个正在兴起的现象也受益于群策群力的研究,那就是语意网的出现。One emerging phenomenon that is benefiting from concerted research is the rise of the Semantic Web—a network of data on the Web.

它的理论研究和推进是不具功利性的,需要社会各界的群策群力。Its theoretical research and development have no bearing on utilitarian purpose, which require the support from all circles of society.

“群策群力”倡导行动增强了员工的势力,使他们在如何管理企业方面有了发言权,从而彻底颠覆了等级制度。The Work-Out initiative turned hierarchy on its head, by empowering workers and giving them a say in how the business should be managed.

在那场温布利大战后不久,瑞典人造访布达佩斯,他们收缩阵型,群策群力,干扰主队的传递,最终逼成2-2平。Sweden held them to a 2-2 draw in Budapest shortly before the Wembley game by sitting deep, disrupting their passing by weight of numbers.

韦尔奇凭借“群策群力”以及专门为解放每个员工头脑中的知识而推出的其它倡导行动而彻底改变了这一切。Welch changed all of that with Work-Out and other initiatives designed to release the knowledge that existed in the brain of every worker.

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得益于“群策群力”计划,如今车间工地的人员也可以拿出个能改变流程或帮助公司赢得一份新合同的主意。Thanks to Work-Out, someone on the shop floor could come up with an idea that would transform a process or help the company win a new contract.

为迎接下一世纪的来临,香港市民万众一心,群策群力,致力实现共同的理想,建设更美好的家园。Our community is working wholeheartedly together to turn our vision into reality and make our city an even better place as the new century unfolds.

他们群策群力之际,有不断增加的证据显示,用来提高产能的同一套科技工具,一旦遭到滥用,可能招致反效果。Their effort comes as evidence mounts that the same technology tools that have led to improvements in productivity can be counterproductive if overused.