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一群猎狗把野猪围困住。The hounds bayed the boar.

野猪拱倒了一棵树。The boar snouted a tree down.

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布哈依要去找野猪。Buha by to look for wild boar.

那个粉红色的东西原来是一只野猪幼崽。The pinkish object was a baby bushpig.

我追他的时候他像个野猪一样流汗。He sweated like a boar when I caught him.

公野猪看到了布哈依,就不管三七二十一的冲了过来。Boar seen by Buha, the impulse to just-over.

他用刺刀猛刺那头野猪。He jabbed at the wild boar with his bayonet.

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你们两个一定要留下来参加今晚的烤野猪宴会。And you must stay for our luau later tonight.

大埔野猪队在新界北区的猎猪行动。Hunting wild-pig in North District, Hong Kong.

野猪留给我的蕃薯皮。The wild boars left me sweet potato skin only.

一只野猪在纽约州的一处临时畜栏里。A feral hog in a holding pen in New York state.

当日字来到时,斋戒被一头野猪所杀。The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.

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野猪很容易和家猪杂交。Wild boar readily hybridizes with the domestic pig.

所有的紫蕃薯都给野猪吃掉了。All violet sweet potato were eaten by the wild boars.

如果一个母猪与一个野猪交配将会生下什么来呢?What will be produced if a sow runs with a wild boar?

想着想着,布哈依已经来到了野猪洞。I kept thinking, has come to a wild boar by Buha hole.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor here dwelt a bear, too a boar.

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公野猪发情无季节性,可以常年配种。Wild boar estrus none seasonally and mate all the year.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar.

熊和野猪整天在森林中来回跑动。Bear and wild boars range through the forests all day long.