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向她显示你是一个值得信赖的人。Show her you’re trust worthy.

这么说,我们能信赖这些数据?Q. So we can trust the numbers?

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绅士应该值得信赖A gentleman must be trustworthy.

压合度良好的高信赖度铁帽。Good reliability fitting by cap.

他过于信赖自己的记忆力。He trusts to his memory too much.

他的儿子信赖地牵住他的手。His son took the hand trustingly.

除了信赖,他们还能做什么?How could they help but trust her?

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这儿,是我的手,我信赖的朋友。And here's a hand, my trusty fiere.

女童军的荣誉是受人信赖的。Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.

这是一份值得我们信赖的预算书。This is budgeting we can believe in.

奥莱利说,C919值得信赖。Aolaili says, c919 is worth to trust.

信越硅胶老品牌,值得信赖!ShinEtsu silicone old brand, trusted!

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理解和信赖中血脉相连。Understanding and trust in the blood.

我们认为他是値得信赖的。We consider him worthy of confidence.

女童军的荣誉是受人信赖的。A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.

奥力永远是您信赖的朋友。ONLY is your trustworthy friend forever.

他们对他办事谨慎一向是信赖的。They always trusted in his cautiousness.

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它听起来像疯话,然而我信赖。It sounds crazy, but I believe it anyhow.

你应该会向某个你很信赖的人谈过。There must be someone you've confided in.

女人就是不信赖那类英俊的男人。Women just don't trust the handsome ones.