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性别角色替换?Shifting gender roles?

文中真名均已替换。Names have been changed.

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热节点添加和替换。Hot-node Add and Replace.

这样我们就可以替换。So we can substitute that.

难道没有替换的人?Nor have they been replaced.

接着就是替换部分。Next is the replacement chunk.

选择搜索并替换模式。Select search-and-replace mode.

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两支替换笔芯。Two refills for a cartridge pen.

请注意“替换”这个措词的含义。Note the use of the word replace.

按任意键,开始替换文件。Press any key to replacing files.

搜索并替换到救援系统。Search and replace to the rescue.

他们预期替换飞行36小时。They expect to fly 36-hour shifts.

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只用把里面的数据替换成你自己的!Just replace this data with your own!

替换原先枯燥乏味的新闻邮件。To Replace the Boring Old Newsletter.

这些方法都是添加或替换数据。These methods all add or replace data.

利用文件替换花店名称。Replace the store names with the files.

如果需要,替换空气喷气机管。Replace the air jets tubes if necessary.

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替换一般标准型气切管。To replace a standard tracheostomy tube.

替换空变量或未设置的变量。Substituting for null or unset variables.

我必须去买些替换用的钢笔笔心。I must go and buy some refills for my pen.