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斑蝥是一种生活在地上的芫菁甲虫,原产自欧洲。Spanish Fly is ground-up blister beetle, indigenous to Europe.

该甲虫体内含有一种腐蚀性的酸性液体,名为斑蝥素。The beetle contains a caustic acid-like juice called cantharidin.

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目的设计合成去甲斑蝥素的磷酸二钠盐。Aim To design and synthesize norcantharidin disodium phosphate derivatives.

如今,大多数售卖的斑蝥素粉仅仅是胡椒粉,或是一些令人感觉热血沸腾的粉末。Most Spanish Fly sold today is just pepper or something to make you feel hot.

斑芫菁属昆虫体内钙元素的摩尔量要低于结合斑蝥素的摩尔量。And the mol of Ca element in Mylabris was lower than that of the bound cantharidin.

斑蝥素治疗肝癌可减轻症状,降低甲胎蛋白含量。Cantharidin can lighten symptom of hepatic carcinoma and debase the content of AFP.

目的采用尿药法进行去甲斑蝥素人体药动学研究。OBJECTIVE To study pharmacokinetics of norcantharidin in human by urinary excretion method.

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结合斑蝥素可能是以斑蝥素酸钙和斑蝥素酸镁形式存在。The bound cantharidin may exist in the forms of magnesium cantharidate and calcium cantharidate.

结论斑蝥素对人肺癌A549细胞的增殖有抑制作用。Conclusions Cantharidin has the inhibition effect to the proliferation of human being carcinoma A549 cell.

本发明公开了一种去甲斑蝥素二聚体衍生物及其合成方法与应用。The invention discloses a norcantharidin dimer derivate as well as a synthetic method and application thereof.

近来之研究显示斑蝥素有抗癌及升高白血球的效果,但对泌尿道却有刺激性。In recent studies, it has antitumor, and leukocytosis properties, and has an irritant effect on the urinary tract.

以烯丙异丙巴比妥为内标的气相色谱法测定斑蝥素含量,准确可靠。Results of quantitative measurement of cantharidin by GC using aprobarhital as an internal standard were reliable.

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目的总结急性斑蝥中毒的临床表现,进一步提高对该病的救治水平。Objective To summarize clinical symptom of acute mylabris poisoning and consequently improve cure for this illness.

不少昆虫都会使用类似喷血的行为防御攻击,例如斑蝥,石蝇幼虫以及蝗虫等。A number of insects, including blister beetles, stonefly larvae and bushhoppers behave in similar way when attacked.

目的研究斑蝥素对人肺癌A549细胞增殖的抑制作用和机制。Objective To investigate the inhibition effect of cantharidin on the proliferation of human being carcinoma A549 cell.

芫菁雄虫羽化后0~30天无论在形态还是斑蝥素合成量方面都发生了显著变化。Male blister beetle undergo significant changes in morphology and cantharidin content during the 0-30 days after eclosion.

或者存世165只的盐河斑蝥呢?它们栖息在内布拉斯加州林肯市附近残留的几片盐碱沼泽地。Or the 165 remaining Salt Creek tiger beetles, which dwell in a few surviving patches of saline marsh near Lincoln, Nebraska ?

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唯一的问题是,斑蝥素是有毒的,并且受害者通常为无意饮用了含有这种粉尘饮料的女性。The only problem is that cantharidin is toxic, and the victims are usually women who unwittingly consume the powder in a drink.

目的探讨斑蝥素对裸鼠移植瘤胰腺癌细胞增殖的影响。Aims To study the influence of cantharidin on the proliferation of xenografts of human pancreatic cancer cell sw1990 in nude mice.

目的合成N-乳糖酰壳聚糖作为肝靶向载体,制备去甲斑蝥素纳米粒。Objective To synthesize N-galactosylated chitosan as hepatocyte-targeting carrier and prepare loading norcantharidin nanoparticles.