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于是我佯攻,试图欺骗它。I feinted, to deceive him.

为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文…Why is there a major glyph of feint?

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这些可能只是谈判中采用的佯攻策略。These may be just negotiating feints.

这场比赛变成了一场以佯攻与反佯攻为主的较量。The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint.

这个拳击手用右手佯攻而出左手击打。The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.

先佯攻军队的左翼,紧接的是一个正面攻击。The feint on the army's left flank was followed by a frontal attack.

可是超能战士使出‘佯攻’,一下便打倒烈焰马。However, Gallade unleashes a Feint, and in one hit faints the fire horse.

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现在重要的是它们相互之间战略性的佯攻和猛击。Their strategic feints and jabs at each other are the ones that matter now.

刺击和佯攻接替着重击和速攻,我大汗淋漓,但这一切都只是徒劳。Thrusts and feints followed thick and fast, the sweat poured off me, but in vain.

但是敌人或许只是佯攻克里特岛而实则将越过该岛向东推进。It may be however that the enemy is only feinting at crete and will be going farther east.

现在可以用小型机动部队,从另一个方向威胁、佯攻和打击。Now they can a smaller more agile force, threaten, feint , and attack from another direction.

冈田联队正式发动佯攻沐城,营救横山的大规模袭击行动。Athletics team formally launched a feint mu city, the rescue of the hengshan large-scale attacks.

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尽管国防军向瑞士佯攻制造攻势,但它从来没有试图入侵。Although the Wehrmacht feigned moves toward Switzerland in its offensives, it never attempted to invade.

刘副团长在山下佯攻,吸引敌人的注意力,策应李剑他们突袭。Lius deputy chief of mission at the foot of feint, attract the attention of the enemy, in coordination keyboard they raid.

一场典型的战斗遭遇是两方的冲突,一阵武器挥舞、牵制佯攻、迴挡闪避、步法脚技与法术施放的疾风骤雨。A typical combat encounter is a clash between two sides, a flurry of weapon swings , feints, parries, foot-work, and spellcasting.

我决定以狼的方式,对一个方向作佯攻,试图使羊群出现混乱,从而找到最薄弱的一点来进攻。I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.

麦克里斯托曾经上演过一出恶作剧,用废弃的旧式武器和袜子卷成的“手雷”向校园里的一座办公楼发动佯攻。His idea of a practical joke was mounting a fake assault on one of the campus's office buildings using decommissioned weapons and 'grenades' made out of rolled-up socks.

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他一路佯攻击退摩尔军队,同时迅速派部队包围该城,切断供水,用大炮和燃烧的沥青球进行轰炸。He feinted on the way to draw off the Moorish army, flung his troops round the city, cut off its water supply and bombarded it with huge cannon and balls of flaming pitch.