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孩子们一个个都哭丧着脸。The children pulled a long face.

我就哭丧着脸低着头,害怕被别人看到。I'll never face low head, afraid of being seen.

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但是男人们会哭丧着脸在大厅里踱上几个小时。Men wander around for hours with their faces collapsed.

阿刘忽然进来,哭丧着脸向他讨小费。Ah Liu suddenly entered with a woeful look and asked for a tip.

随之上传了一张自己坐在牙医椅上哭丧着脸的照片。Yikes, " she wrote, along with a rather somber pic of herself in the dentist's chair."

不过,现在不必这么哭丧着脸啦,我们要去捕大鲸了,这类事情将来多的是。But no more of this blubbering now, we are going a-whaling and there is plenty of that yet to come.

北韩千里马情绪低落,哭丧着脸垂着头快速离开了开普敦足球场。Dejected and dispirited, the North Korea team quickly left the stadium in Cape Town with heads bowed.

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随便吧,拿上你的‘跪求工作’册子、继续痴迷赛马、哭丧着脸,去脑残到家的地方,让他们雇你吧。Feel free to take your gissa-job brochure, your equine fixation and your miserable face anywhere daft enough to employ you.

我以为他早就把信寄出了,没想到一周后他却哭丧着脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。I thought that he'd posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he'd found it still in his pocket.

他搭拉着脑袋,哭丧着脸到处走,用动情的颤声对每个人诉说那畜生的逝世不同寻常。He went about with hanging head and melancholy face, telling everyone the particulars of the beast's demise in a voice quivering with emotion.

她开始手脚乱摆狂拍桌子,而波塔什则哭丧着脸把纸团塞到嘴里大嚼,然后吐出来。She started wildly gesticulating and pounding the table with her fists while Potash stuffed paper into his mouth, chewed it up and spit it out.

他哭丧着脸,但又显得可笑,像是一个穿着衣服落水的人,被救出后,还感到害怕,觉得自己活像一个傻瓜。He looked woebegone and yet ridiculous, like a man who has fallen into the water with all his clothes on, and, being rescued from death, frightened still, feels that he only looks a fool.