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没有。她有在纺织机前动工吗?No. Did she make it in a textile mill?

这座新的邸宅已经开始动工修建了。Construction of this new mansion has started.

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酸洗线开挖动工。The Push &Pull Pickling Line startd construction.

北塔于1450年动工兴建,但始终未竣工。North tower was begun in 1450 but nearly completed.

遗憾的是,我那香港山顶的获奖作品一直未能动工建设。Unfortunately my Hong Kong Peak club was never built.

发生什么事情的时候可以鸣笛通知制动工。One can whistle down the brakes when something happened.

2006年,车站开始动工重建为一座豪华旅馆。In 2006, work began to turn the station into a luxury hotel.

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淡路岛于1992年被设计出来,于1997年动工。It was designed in 1992 and from year 1997 is under construction.

这不妨碍我们按期动工。This won't stop us from starting the work on the project on time.

这项工程于1539年动工,并在次年竣工。Work began on it in 1539, and was completed in the following year.

没几个月我就能看到新楼动工,新商店开业。I can see new buildings built and new shops opened every few months.

热烈庆祝宝佳利新工厂动工建设中!Celebrates the new factory to begin construction in the construction!

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这发电厂一九五七年动工,一九六0年开始发电。The power plant began in 1957, and first went into operation in 1960.

泰姬去世的那一年泰姬陵开始动工。Construction of the Taj Mahal began in the same year as Mumtaz’ death.

泰姬去世的那一年泰姬陵开始动工。Construction of the Taj Mahal began in the same year as Mumtaz's death.

据透露,该地块估计不日将开始动工建设。Reportedly, the land mass estimates will soon be commenced construction.

倘今年能动工,首阶段将于一两年内落成。If this year to start, first phase will be completed in one or two years.

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本周,大峡谷南凯坝步道的重建工程开始动工。Work started this week on a project to reconstruct the park's South Kaibab Trail.

现已在原址动工复建具有明代特色总兵府。Now begin rehabilitation at the site of the Ming Dynasty characteristics Longbing House.

绕过市中心的T7号主干路,计划于二零零零年动工兴建。The construction of Trunk Road T7, which will bypass the Town Centre, is planned to start in 2000.