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他的病见好了。He's on the mend.

我们下周一见好吗?Shall we meet next Monday?

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一会儿我们在外面见好吗?。I ' ll see you outside , oKay ?

我们老地方见好吗?Shall we meet at the usual place ?

差不多就行吧,见好就收。Almost on the line now, just leave.

我没办法见好就收。I won't interference you from now on !

见好就收吧,你不可能太走运了。You can't have too much of a good thing.

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周日我们在北京动物园门口见好吗?Shall we meet at gate of the Beijing zoo on Sunday?

他曾追求过很多女孩,但从不过热,见好就收。He courted a lot, but never boiled over, just simmered.

于是我做了一个最佳的决定,那就是优雅地见好就收。I decided the best thing to do was to graciously bow out.

好的,但是我午饭后才有空。我们那时候见好吗?Sure, but I'm not free until after lunch. Can we meet then?

一个钟头以后﹐桑晓神奇一样地感觉见好了点。An hour later, Sang-xiao miraculously felt his health returning.

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我整个下午都有空。我们下午1点在大厅见好吗?。I'm free all afternoon. Why don't we meet at 1 o'clock in the lobby?

见好就收,同时抒发一下中国人的骄傲,让学生感受到那种骄傲的情趣。And I know many foreigners also like it and come to China to learn it.

医生嘱咐母亲咳嗽见好之后在家里呆一星期,不要外出。Mother was advised to keep indoors for a week after her cough seemed better.

可见好女人对男人的成长、成熟和成功的作用是何等的重要。Visible good woman to man to grow, mature and successful role is so important.

历史也许是最厚待那些见好就收、急流勇退而且不再返回的老板们。History may be kindest to bosses who quit while they are ahead—and do not come back.

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由于伤病缠身、见好就收等原因使残疾人运动员萌生退役的念头。Because of injuries and sick and other reasons, the athletes with disabilities retired.

即使市场这个星期一直见好,怀疑也不会消散。Even if markets do continue to rally this week, the suspense will not entirely go away.

见好就收吧,你不可能总是让这么一个人获得缓刑的待遇。The judge said at some point enough is enough and he can't go on granting probation forever.