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王逵明确过来了,这个监犯才免于一逝世。This inmates-he Wang Kui clear come over, from a death.

假定效劳员是监犯,那么其他陈说中会有谎言吗?Suppose the sever is guilty. Are any of the statement false?

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假定音乐家是监犯,那么其他陈说中会有谎言吗?Suppose the musician is guilty. Are any of the statement false?

从前的人把监犯的头钉在尖桩上。In former times, prisoners' heads were impaled on pointed stakes.

那监犯被判处单独监禁三个月。The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement.

监犯在牢房里挂上了画片等东西,都想营造些个人气氛。Prisoner try to individualize their cell by hanging up picture, etc.

从前的人把监犯的头钉在尖桩上。In former times, prisoners' heads were impaled 11 on pointed 12 stakes.

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你不喜欢冒监犯,所以你从不露出本身的真实情感。You don't like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings.

这位社会形态学家以为像克隆一类的繁殖技能容易触监犯的尊严。The sociologist holds that reproductive technologies such as cloning are prone to violate human dignity.

已经数世纪,海南岛仅仅是作为一个充军监犯,诗人及犯的地方。For centuries Hainan Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals, exiled poets and political undesirables.

在这个暴力举动多发的处所,这明明可以容或者缓和这搭的严重排场田地。另有就是,这给那一些监犯带来了一些切合实际的工作去做,一些涉及于责任心和自决议信念的工作。It really lowers the tension in an area whelloch already stands out in terms of violence, and it brings the person to work on a real job in terms of responsibility and self-confidence"."

这个新词暗地里的故事来自于中国云南省晋宁县,当地一名24岁的监犯脑部紧张受伤,入院四天后殒命。The story behind this new phrase comes from Jinning in southwest China's Yunnan province, where a 24-year-old prisoner died from a severe brain injury four days after being sent to the hospital.