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江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront.

画面中鳞次栉比的红点是前景星和违景星。Both background and foreground stars are dotted throughout the image.

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几十年以来,湖边的工业工厂鳞次栉比,利用淡水作为冷却剂。For decades industrial plants have lined the shores, using water as a coolant.

中国最富裕的村庄华西村,新民居鳞次栉比。New houses stand in Huaxi village, China's richest village in Jiangsu province.

高楼大厦,鳞次栉比,汽车在宽阔的马路上行驶,长江水滚滚东流去,白云朵朵飘浮在我们头顶。Many cars were running along wide streets. The Yangtze River was pouring to the east.

此外,城池内还建有一些大小庙宇,老式铺面亦是鳞次栉比。In addition, there are temples, big and small, and rows upon rows of old-fashioned shops.

在香港鳞次栉比的商店中,大陆人来到这个曾经的殖民地,带着成手提箱的现金。Stories abound in Hong Kong of mainlanders who come to the former colony with suitcases of cash.

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城区80余座大楼鳞次栉比,生活、服务、文化、娱乐设施齐全。City row upon row of more than 80 buildings, living, services, culture, entertainment facilities.

曾经作为海港的冰岛首都雷克雅维克一度豪车满街,高级商店鳞次栉比,派对似乎永远不停歇。Reykjavík, once a quaint seaport, hummed with fancy cars, upscale shopping and a raucous party scene.

我走着,眼睛注视着那看不到头的、鳞次栉比的理发店、美容院、糖果店。I walked, my eyes focused into the endless succession of barbershops, beauty parlors, confectioneries.

在我造访的每个城市的郊区,一栋栋在建公寓楼确实是鳞次栉比。On the outskirts of every city I saw, there was a veritable forest of apartment blocks under construction.

拉斯的夜晚,大道上一路繁华,世界顶尖的豪华宾馆鳞次栉比。In the nights of Las, Las Boulevard was full of luxury. The top hotels were situated one next to each other.

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户外咖啡厅鳞次栉比,人行道上花坛锦簇,快来漫步于这一美丽城市一英里长的优美大道上吧!Walk on a mile-long pedestrian promenade lined with outdoor cafes and flower baskets in this marvelous city!

城镇中心各式各样的墨西哥商店鳞次栉比,拉美裔人在这里创立了自己的新企业。Mexican shops of all varieties are located in the town’s center. New Hispanic-owned businesses have been established.

那个星期,我从教室里的窗户往外眺望,现代化的办公楼鳞次栉比,只留下我们这一个日渐缩小的小岛。That week, I stared out the classroom window at the modern office towers built atop razed lanes that rim our shrinking island.

水泥浇铸成的塔楼和板楼,鳞次栉比,远远看往,仿佛是陡峭垂直的群山,构成了大城市的独特风景线。Rows of cement tower buildings and prefabs, looking from afar like groups of steep mountains, are a unique sight in big cities.

在佩纳塔拉达,中心广场保护得很原始,酒店鳞次栉比。和邻近死气沉沉的城镇相比,这里更有一些生机。In Peratallada, a well-preserved central square filled with cafes made the village feel more alive than some sleepier neighboring towns.

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在休斯顿,高层建筑鳞次栉比,更有许多新的建筑正拔地而起,因此绿色建筑是休斯顿生态运动的良好开端。Green buildings are a good starting point for Houston's eco-movement since the city is full of high-rises, and more are going up all the time.

在城郊,富商造起金碧辉煌的别墅,这些别墅鳞次栉比,比肩而立,上面装饰着胡里花哨的美女和天使雕像。The fringes of the city are lined with palatial villas built by successful traders, who decorate them with garish statues of nymphs and angels.

该桥以两侧鳞次栉比的店铺闻名,几百年来,它接纳了从中世纪商人、屠夫到纪念品摊档、艺术品经销商等各色商贩。These was famous for its lining of shops, the bridge has housed everybody from Medieval merchants and butchers to souvenir stalls and art dealers.