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海上保险的费用将由我方承当。The marine insurance shall covered by us.

没有人想在事情出错的时候来承当责任。No one wants to take responsibility when things go wrong.

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货色由特许运营商自提自运,一切费用由特许运营商承当。By the franchisor from goods shipped by the franchisor, all expenses.

我认为这份工作要承当的义务太多了,我不知道是否应付得了。I think there is too much responsibility for me. I wonder if I can handle it.

但生怕我的小孩还没有打算好承当起那种义务。But I'm afraid my little kids are unready for that kind of responsibility yet.

吉特的爸爸以为真正的男人汉应该为本人犯下的错误承当责任。Jeter's dad think real man should be I han the mistakes of bear responsibility.

咱们就要承当起建设故乡,繁华故乡的责任。We have to assume the construction of homeland, prosperous homeland responsibility.

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企业在承当社会义务过程中具有自觉性。The enterprise in undertakes in the social responsibility process to have blindness.

但大部分是逊尼派的批评人士指出,伊拉克部队还不能承当此重任。His mostly-sunni critics complain that Iraqi forces are not ready to assume the task.

你永远不会行使自己的权力去改变这个情况直到有一刻你承当了这个责任。You'll never have the power to change the situation until you take responsibility for it.

作为催化剂起作用的并承当变革过程管理责任的人。People who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process.

有一个词能够让我们开脱生活中所有的承当和疼痛,那就是“爱情”。One word frees us of masl of the weight a subaloneytantiald pain in life. Thfound at word is love.

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原归由那具有决策权的公司自身所承当的债权与债务均由继任合伙人收取或支付。All debt due to, and owing by, the say partnership, will be received and paid by the continuing partner.

在运输过程中,中关村搬家公司也许不会为包装的物品遭到丢失而承当职责。In the course of carriage, zhongguancun moving company may not bear responsibility for the packaging items were lost.

国有企业作为公民经济的主要构成部门,应该在承当社会义务方面施展出榜样感化。The state-owned enterprises as the main part of national economy, should play a role in social responsibility as example.

不要说,你后悔决议了什么,牵起一个人的手放开了,那就要用彼此宽容来承当吧!Don't say what decision you have made. When you hold one's hand then let it go, both of you have to take it with forgiveness.

布里吉很愧疚,自责本人并不晓得自女儿承当了多大的苦楚,假如玛塔出了什么工作,永远都不会原谅本人。Brighi sorry, I do not know what the era may DuoDa suffering the daughter, if she DaChu what work, will never forgive himself.

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政策制定者认为,汽车目钱属于中高端消费品,要申请经适房的家庭一般难以承当相关费用。The policymakers regard cars as middle- and high-end consumer goods which families in need of affordable houses cannot afford.

而这些人对于你的公司进行评价时,这要比一开始建议的,相对温和地数据比承当更多的压力。What such people have to say about your company, therefore, carries more weight than theirmodest numbers might initiallysuggest.

为了得到埃利父亲的认可,杰姬把一切家务承当下来,这让埃利的父亲思念起本人的妻子艾洛伊萨。In order to get the father recognition, Evans put all the housework bear down Jackie Evans, it makes the father homesick for my wife YiLuo issa.